Winter sheelhead gotta work for'em
Winter sheelhead gotta work for'em
Good effort ! Wish that Steel head had been introduced here. Supposed to be very strong epic fighters.
good eating ???
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
I caught a 3kg one the other night.
"Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"
I wish we did have Steel head but we don't. There are records of the occasional rainbow being netted in the surf in NZ, but these are not steelhead.
As to our brown trout, we have three distinct sub-species and a hybrid. We have the river dwelling Salmo Trutta, the sea trout Salmo Trutta Trutta and the Loch Levin brown which is adapted to lakes. We also have a hybrid of the river and sea types which is what is commonly called our 'sea run' trout. Sadly and confusingly a few years ago all these subspecies were grouped together under the one name classification which is like putting all breeds of cattle under one single name and saying that because there is no genetic difference on their DNA they are the all same breed.
Ivr always understood our Rainbow are from impirted Steelhead stock.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Hey Moa hunter - depends who you talk to as to the sub-breeds, variants and types of trout that made their way to NZ. It's not as clean and clear as you may think...
It is acknowledged that a number of Acclimatisation societies had delivered in the early days progeny (and multiple deliveries) from ova including those from the Umpqua river in the USA, which is a very Steelhead orientated and genetically linked fishery.
NZ also has Tiger trout, Brook trout and there is even mention of a mis-labeled import that was released in the upper Waihou and tributaries that might possibly even be Cutthroat.
So not as clear cut as you thought huh!
I'm drawn to the mountains and streams, its where life is clear, where the world makes most sense!
WA smooth marron - see