and I was hooked,well and truely.....the first time out,I hooked big rainbow and started to swear,Bob told me to tone it down and I couldnt work out why the two adults were looking at each other and laughing.....turns out they had been watching Ps n Qs all weekend to not corrupt the young fella.....or so my old man told me years afterwards.....
happy happy times.erniec was first person I had ever seen use a nymph.....I bought my first fly rod after that trip and just kept going from there. hooked first trout from beach right at last minute before packing up to leave.....still havent found another place down here to fish the same way,just let sinking line out at stream mouth and let fly sit in current till trout takes it.
happy times and it has been great to thank one of the fellas who planted the seeds that have helped to shape my life.