Well--the game season at Mercury Bay hasn't been that flash at all, there's the odd marlin coming in, still a few Blues about, but nothing like other years, was out for the week of the nationals , got one nasty little Blue Shark, quite a few mega skippies--like 5--6kg, had two unseen hits on the Thursday, and saw one marlin briefly on the Thurs in the gear, and that was pretty much it!!
Was planning on going back out there this past week, but "er indoors" has gone and broken her ankle!!! Consequently I'm pretty well stuck at home!!
FFS--that's all I need, having added to the National Debt with a big refit of the boat, this was the season we were going to be serious about using the friggin thing, and now this--earlier on it was endless wind, cold water temps, and now that things out there have improved a bit---this latest drama!!!