Was commercially fishing tuna in a past life. MaF required a course be completed in catch handling as a prerequisit. The essentail points werw as follows
1. Boat the fish asap. A long fight would create heat buildup and destroy the flesh quality making it
unacceptable to the export market .
2, Gaff only in the head
3. The fish should be killed, bled, gutted and gilled and placed in an ice slurry within one minute of capture
3. Kill by use of a core driven into top of head to destroy the brain
4. To beed, pierce lateral line just behind pectoral and just forward of tail.
5. Cut to free gut around anal vent.
6. Use very sharp short blade to remove gill set without cutting the throat. Pull gills and guts out forwards. The belly of fish not to be opened at all. 6. Make sure belly cavity is filled with salted ice before placing fish into salt ice slurry.
Any improper processing would render fish unsaleable at export auctions.