One family's life in the wilderness - BBC News
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Alaska is a great place but you would need to be happy with the solitude if you wanted to live there all the time. I guess that's why they live there , peace and quite.....and the hunting.
That would be cool for a couple of weeks.
looks pretty cool
I envy that lifestyle.
I envy that lifestyle too but I think my outdoor skills aren't commensurate with the climate.
Alot of people try and live "off the grid" up there.Most don't last a winter.
Hats off to them for making a go of it.Feel a bit sorry for the young bloke having no mates around.
I lived on an Island in Northern British Columbia for three months,no electricity,running water,Radio or TV.When I got into town,first thing I did was call into a Chemistis shop to get my films developed.While I was waiting the Lady switched on the T.V. There is Ricky Martin singing "la vida loca" and it just blew my mind!
Talk about sensory depravation over coming taste.
I could live that lifestyle so easily, probably even more so by myself, I enjoy my own company immensely.
Its a lifestyle i could slip right into, if it didnt get so cold. A bush block somewhere here, boat access only... Make your own time, and not be over run with comercialism. Do enough to be comfotable, with a little in reserve as a safety net. As Steve Guerny wrote, Mud is a Foodgroup. Let the kids learn by doing, falling out of trees and having those ass tightening experinces. Theyd learn more there than they do now. Just because you particapate, it doesnt mean your a winner, or ready to take on the world
I could definitely do that - but there's no way my wife could. Also I couldn't put it upon my kids. I think it would be good for them but from a social perspective I think you'd probably end up with some issues... Looks fricken cold though!
Too cold for me!
I could do the lifestyle, would just need to be somewhere warm!
Panama might be an option...
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Warm means bugs, freaky tropical diseases etc. No thanks :D
I reckon it would be alright. Man learns pretty quick. I wouldnt do it without my dog with me tho, gotta take yer mate.
there are more 'issues' in urban areas ... at least in that environment you are truly going to understand the power of Nature ... you are going to know about self-reliance ... you are not going to labour under some fecking sense of entitlement ...
and ... it is not cold all the time up there ...!!
wtf dude I think you should
Skills can be learnt, but the common sense to know the limits of our own capabilities is a very important one. I too would probably struggle with some outdoor skills, but I would be interested to learn at some point as that is the sort ofplace I would like to spend some time one day....but I know my wife wont want to and I dont particularly want to leave her behind either...
Reading @EeeBees post it felt like what I had written was being attacked, when it is only my opinion... I didn't say it was cold all the time, and as such responded to it. If it was not meant to come across that way then @EeBees I apologise - but that is how it reads to me...
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I accept your apology, Matt-j ... I had not even read your post ... having been in Northern Canada in late Summer, I was amazed at how hot it does actually gets ... the humidity and mosquitoes are unbelievable ... then in late September early October suddenly it is cold ... -10 is just the starting point ... !!
I couldn't live in the snow, I am an endless summer guy
I used to work with a canadian fellow. He would tell me of wearing gloves while changing wheels. I told him I do it so I dont get my hands too cold and dirty as a convenience or practical reason. He was "No, its so your hands dont freeze to the tyre iron...."
You think the cold is the big problem.......nope it's the bugs that will drive you nuts! Literally :o think west coast times 1000:sick:
Now imagine being lost with no protection :O_O: they reckoned downed pilots used to go mad:sick: as in insane
Lived and flew in Alaska for 10 years,never lived like this couple,but flew into many remote areas.Flew rescue flights,delivered food,supplies,medical emegencies and anything that was required,you name it,we helped.My observations,the people that do this are a breed apart,most of them are philosophical about the life they lead and want,but they are all somewhat attached to the outside world,it's where most of them came from.
You really want to see the real Alaskans,fly into any of the remote villages in this vast land.The Inuit,the Athabaskan,they will show you remote.I flew into many of these villages,they generally put up with the white man,few words were spoken,you flew in,dropped the cargo,human or material,and left,no offense taken but their world is "their" world,we have tended to fuck it up.Rules ,regulations,etc ,you know the story.
Nothing but fascination I found,these people have lived thst way for centuries....
Hey @Rushy Eskimos share their wives, you'd be in smelly heaven man:O_O:
So you remember Nell?
Great point sideshow,even passengers.The outfits I flew for,we were required to carry a survival kit and arms,most of us did.I always carried wing covers,red,so that they would stand out,even in the snow.Had several mates have to ditch,all recovered but many who flew in this territory did not make it.Stories abound of survival and mishap,Alaska is just that,remote and unforgiving.
The latest series of TV programmes glorifying or grandstanding life in remote Alaska are just as that,without the outside world luxuries,most would not last long.You want remote,cross the Bearing sea,over the Diomedes between Alaska and Siberia,now there's remote.We would fly into Siberia out of Wales,closest point,on hunting trips for those hungry for that.Local Russians, Siberians,would guide themselves out for Bear,hunts etc,on return,most that came back wanted the fuck out of there......truly remote!
@A330driver I heard that spot was pretty remote Siberia.
I read somewhere that the bush pilots in Alaska used to keep small branches of fur tree in there planes.
They would throw these out the window in white out conditions when wanting to land to find out where the ground was up on the tundra.
Makes sense if you can't spot exactly where the ground is. Think it was while polar bear hunting.
I'll try and find the reference.
You must have some pretty neat photos from working up there :thumbsup:
Don Sheldon Alaska Piloting Legend - Sheldon Air Service
Here it is.
Just one guy looks to have done this but could have been more.
On glaciers not tundra.