@7mmwsm he tells me they are staying in a private hut, thats all he really knew. Is your neighbour Hamish aka Noodles?
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@7mmwsm he tells me they are staying in a private hut, thats all he really knew. Is your neighbour Hamish aka Noodles?
Insects are pretty easy to kill as they dont breath with lungs but through trachea, so spraying out the hut with thinners or petrol would have them gone quick and cheap, but dont light a smoke. Throwing a big cover over the hut and fumigating it would be best but is impractical so wrapping a hut with shrink film and fumigating would be how I would do it. Bet I could wrap a hut in under two hours and gass it up.
Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eradicate. Almost every hostel / backpackers has the problem at some stage. It due to the instants (nymphs) living in crevices and cracks. Only the adults feed on blood. Laundering of sheets etc does not control them. Insecticide resistance is also an issue.
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The right fumigant could work. Eg Profume but not sure on registrations for that use?...
I discussed Stewart Island bed bugs with a mate this morning who has done at least ten trips. The bugs have been there for years, last trip he went on they threw all the mattresses outside for the duration of the stay and let off four borer bombs in the hut - once the smoke had cleared moved all their gear in and slept on their own air beds. Hell of a mess in the hut but no bugs
North Arm & Port William huts only. ie Raliura Track only.
those raid cans for crawling insects work wonders in old wooden huts,dead beetles everywhere and ZERO flies or sandflies...any blowfly who comes in,turns and flys straight back out the door or dies.
stinks for hour of two but very very effective.cant see how it wouldnt zap bed bugs too....and just what are bed bugs anyway???some kind of super dirty womans fleas,nits perhaps???
[/QUOTE]....and just what are bed bugs anyway??????[/QUOTE]
Taking a wild guess here but I reckon they are probably bugs that get into your bed.
Crabs are merely mechanised dandruff. A quick mow of the front lawn gives them no place to hide……………..or so I’ve heard. Ha ha ha ha
No it wouldnt because bees are insects. A mitacide is required that will kill varroa but leave the bees with minimal impact. Many things do work on Varroa but because the dose to kill all varroa is harmful to bees a lower than optimal dose is used and many varroa (those that have a greater mitacide tolerance) escape treatment to breed the next generation - leading to resistant strains of Varroa. The best option is to use all the treatments that represent different chemical families at the same time.
Interestingly and surprisingly 'Crabs' and Headlice have quite advanced governance and treaties in place between them. A Pax between them gives the territory of the head including the beard if present to headlice and the inner thighs buttocks, genital zone and chest hair up to the neck to the 'Crabs'.