Seen it around forever, always wondered what it was
Seen it around forever, always wondered what it was
He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.
You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
Sounds like a typical hunting trip !
which one
lilic????pinus radiata in background...silver fern frond in view as well..maybe some 5?finger to the left....and the tall scraggly one in middle I believe has orange berries.....
I think Budlier.
Real guns start with the number 3 or bigger and make two holes, one in and one out
Commonly called it Butterfly Bush ,real name is Buddleia it is a invasive weed from China .Here is some info from Doc's we got when we first brought the Farm .
Aha Buddleia, had heard about it, but not put a name to the plant
Thanks guys
He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.
You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
Sounds like a typical hunting trip !
No problems if you are out hunting in goat country & see some it is worth checking out as goats love it & unlike other weedy growths their heavy grazing does little damage to it .Just one Fowering arm of the bush can produce 40000 seeds with a germination rate of around 80% .it is huge problem in America in states with similar climates to ours like Washington State etc .
The stuff we had on the farm was a waste of time spraying & you could not pull it as it just snaps off & only spreads itn more ,so we had to resort to the back breaking & time consuming cut & paint the stump with concentrated glyphosate etc .They seed so easily & so profically they now recommend you immediately bag up any heads etc .