at present DOC can only charge where it provides a facility such as a hut - access to our public estate is free of charge and enshrined in the Conservation act Free and public access something DOC seem to forget on occasions - sorry me old mate Beetroot I dont have a problem with paying for a hut provided its maintained and many likely have not seen a DOC staff member in decades - I see in the news announcements on herds of special interest that some i.e Kaimanawa sika and fiordland wapiti are close to some sort of resolution - I await with interest and some trepidation on what that will all mean - but tourists should be paying more and the Govt should recognize that tourism is back as a money earner and fund DOC properly - but as soon as the Govt of the day is strapped for cash its tracks huts that cop the cuts - one of the cost cutting excercises DOC could do is stop spending such huge extravagant amounts on any new hut - I am bloody sure if one wanted a 12 bunker it could be made for well under half the cost of some of the extravagance's DOC put up - does it really need a architect at $30,000 before its even built - iron roof iron sides plywood lined what more do we want - bloody bush Hilton