After 32 years SAR training....2 items....condoms (non-lubricated if possible) Uses: protecting wounds on hands, feet, toes & digits, great ties / tourniquets, and last ( definitely not used ones ) put one inside a sock to get water from a stream.....they reallllllyyy stretch!
Item 2: Tampons, small, light, low volume BUT brilliant for stopping/staunching blood from open wounds...
Item 2 is a pretty classic misconception, some good advice on this page:
Hemorrhage Control – What Aunt Flow Didn’t Know | Private Bloggins
a couple of things not mentioned(or i didnt see them) i have added ......little bottle of the spray hand sanitizer, awesome when you get nailed by ongaonga takes away the sting temporary relief anyway just keep applying it as needed . quickeze, found out very handy when you run out of food cos the guy your overdue with brought nothing and you had to share your rations, takes away the hunger pains inner tube which most use to start a fire can also be used as a tournequet....eye drops for when you get nailed by bush lawyer.... eyes are very important in the bush.