I somehow missed this thread and I'm a serious FA junkie hoarder
Just two things I want to add - firstly, skip the tampons, they cause more issues than they solve. Use a proper trauma dressing.
Second, if you're tramping, keep it to the minimum of what you are capable of using and might need. If you're with a regular buddy, split the kit between you and make sure at least one of you knows more than just how to apply a band aid. I have seen way to many guys lug everything short of an ambulance into the bush and when it goes south, they don't have a clue how to use 90% of their kit.
Surprised nobody has mentioned superglue??
And where are the burn dressings @223nut ?
One thing I also carry is cable ties. Its extreme but if the bleeding doesn't stop, its life over limb - works well for shotgun AD's to the ankle or when you step on a landmine.