Decided not to quote your large post to save everyone scrolling past it, hope you don't mind.. Cheers, I'm well aware of how a sphygmomanometer works, and undoubtedly 300mmHg would be sufficient to provide haemostasis. Interestingly, I see the pressures under a CAT to be around 500mmHg!! I merely meant to suggest that for simplicity and proven performance under stress for the end user that a CAT or SOFT-T Wide etc. would probably be the easiest way to go. There is research (happy to provide articles) suggesting nerve damage resulting from both pneumatic TQ's and standard TQ's. There is also evidence suggesting that most nerve palsy resolves within 3 hours to 3 days in these patients. At the end of the day, I'd much rather some nerve damage (add to the current lot!!) than to bleed out from a blood pressure cuff loosening off over time. Please don't take this as a personal attack on your experience, I am only interested in the discussion really.
Interesting on the junctional TQ. Have either of you used one? I have used multiple brands, including SAM and and JETT. Good in theory, harder than you'd think to get the correct result, especially with using in the shoulder area. It will definitely be interesting to see how the abdominal aortic TQ's go. Packing is of course another option for some of these wounds.