tough Bird
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tough Bird
Just read that extra information now too, makes a bit more sense than the initial report.
Kinda surprised they even got to Harris Saddle if there was that much snow up there, heaps of avalanche paths cross the track where it sidles across the bluffs to the saddle.
It will be in the Readers Digest and a movie will be made of it
She did it hard
We just don't know the full story, state of mind, weather conditions, the shock suffered when the event unfolded before her.
However it brings up the question of insurance cover (rescue cover) that you have to take when venturing into National Parks and other outdoor activities which is mandatory in Europe.
Oh boy...imagine how she must have felt...and we all know about how hypothermia can affect the sensibilities...and the lost of her husband...
Blood hell Chinese whispers again!!!
No where to my knowledge has the dead guy been identified as the woman's husband.
I believe their association was no more than traveling companions.
Pssst wing chow tan hong foo! (More Chinese whispers). The gal has grit guys. No need to speculate beyond that. The whole story will out in the end.
I came across a tramper half starved and mentally exhausted at a hut 2 hrs from the road during the roar, been there 4 days and was on the 11th day of his expected 5 day walk. Just a foreigner way out of his depth and experience, lead into a dangerous situation by a lack of available current information. I'm kind of shocked some of you guys would even suggest the idea of murder...
I don't think murder is what happened here, mentioned it as I have thought some of the 'accident' may not have been in the past. Tough chick living in a hut alone for a month, she deserves credit for that. As tussock said, it's a bad look for nz that she can be there for a month and no-one alerted authorities.
Good point about not being husband, I had assumed!
It is another case of overseas tourists underestimating the conditions that the new Zealand alpine environments can produce.
She said in her interview 'partner' not husband