awesome, keep it up guys
updated list:
Deer food:
Broadleaf / Kapuka / Griselinia littoralis
Bushmans Friend / Rangiora / Brachyglottis repanda
Five Finger / Whauwhaupaku / Pseudopanax arboreus
Seven Finger / Pate / Schefflera digitata
Whiteywood / Mahoe / Melicytus ramiflorus
Bushmans Lawer / Onga Onga / Urtica Ferox
Cutty grass / Toetoe / Austroderia
Gorse / ??? / Ulex europaeus
??? / Tutu / Coriaria arborea
Useful / Medicinal
Dock / ??? / ??? - treatment for Onga Onga sting
Flax / Harakeke / Phormium colensoi & tenax - pulp of leaves & roots, heated, use for infections and boils
Pepper Tree / Kawa Kawa / Macropiper excelsum - toothache, upset tummy
??? / Horopito / Pseudowintera colorata - leaves & tender branches steeped, use for chafing, wounds, bruises, cuts
??? / Koromiko / ???
??? / Kowhai / ???
??? / Manuka / ??? - leaves made into tea for fever, ash for dandruff
??? / Rata / ???
Edible (human)
Black tree fern / Mamaku / Cyathea medullaris
Fern root / Aruhe / Pteridium esculentum - carbohydrate, root cooked, then beaten to remove hard outer skin
??? / Hinau / Elaeocarpus dentatus
??? / Kiekie / Freycinetia banksii
??? / Tawa / Beilschmiedia tawa