Very close @bluebaiter222 , but I will give its secret location.
Its the Muzzle hut in the Muzzle stream.
If you look on a map it was / is situated at the fork in the stream.
Back when I took this picture in around 1980 the hut was still like new, the matresses were in good nick and the billies and pots all clean as.
Mein Fuhrer of the day Les Battersby told us before we went in.
"oh yeah I have shot Chamy from the door"
Well we were sitting on a log outside the hut having a break when someone says
"Dont look now but I think theres three Chamy looking down at us"
Bugger me!
The hut was a trick to find as it was tucked back in behind trees on the stream junction. Also I guess being on the Bluff Station at the time made poor access for Joe Blogs and it was probably a 6 hr drive in if you had permission. The cullers would have used it I guess, but they seemed to concentrate more on the seaward range.
It sure was step country, we used to grow our eyebrows long just to hang on when sidling :pacman: ( an old saying from back in the day)