Im doing a little research on A potential access point down a river bed. But the title situation has me confused.
Anyone know what this means?
[QUOTE]This parcel has no title associated with it.
Parcel Intent Fee Simple Title
Statutory Actions
Statutory Action
Section 62(1), Conservation Act 1987
Type Statutory Vesting
Recorded Invalid Date
Action Referenced
Status Current
Statute Section 62(1), Conservation Act 1987
Purpose Conservation purposes
Name -
As I read it, there is no title , so no owner, It mentions conservation purposes but is not shown on Doc site as public land. Also not shown as access or public land on WAMS.
Linz has this to say re the category of land.
[QUOTE]DOC Allocation Plans
Land or foreshore is deemed to be held for conservation purposes under s 62(1) of the
Conservation Act 1987 if:
(a) immediately before the commencement of the Conservation Act 1987 it was State
forest land or Crown land; and
(b) it was not forest sanctuary, forest park, ecological area, or wilderness area; and
(c) it is land that the Minister, and the Minister responsible for the department or agency
of State that then had control of it, have agreed should be held for conservation
purposes; and
(d) it Is identified for the purposes of this section on plans lodged in the office of the
Chief Surveyor for the land district in which the land or foreshore is situated (being
plans certified as correct for the purpose of this section by that Chief Surveyor),
Under the environmental restructuring in the 1980’s, Ministerial committees allocated land
formerly managed by the Lands & Survey Department and the Forest Service to the
Department of Conservation (DOC) and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Such allocations to
DOC are taken to constitute agreement for the purpose of (c) above.
The ‘plans’ referred to in (d) comprise marked up cadastral record maps (NZMS 261), with
accompanying schedules. These plans have been given SO plan numbers.
Due to the wide spatial coverage of each SO plan, it can be difficult to find the relevant plan
number in Landonline’s spatial record of the parcel fabric. The SO plans are therefore listed
below in relation to each Land District and NZMS 261 sheet number. The LINZ data service
My question is, Is there any reason I can't use it for access?