Yea its very satisfying as a grandad. Our young fella shot a reasonable boar not long after I shot the spiker but we couldnt find the bloody thing. Next morning he dispatched a mob of goats with some pretty good shooting but was determined to take some goat meat home to try, along with the venison
That surprised me
Re: radio, maybe a portable shortwave/multiband radio would be of value. I have a little pocket multi band radio that I'll take along in the backcountry and you can always pick up something, there's a few of the bigger NZ stations broadcast on VHF and you can pick them up damn near anywhere, shortwave is interesting too, you never know what you're going to pick up, so far I've had stations from France, Argentina, Mexico, China, Kenya, Vanuatu, USA, Palestine, and probably several other countries I haven't listened long enough to figure out where it was coming from. Its entertainment in itself :)
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Ground like bloody concrete but finally got all the piles in (with help from Madmax), and floor sub frame in place for the lounge extension.
Put the floor down yesterday so now up to the framing stage
........and a venison recovery excursion in the evening, just for good measure
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Good effort Bos and MadMax.Your own private hunting lodge,priceless.Enjoy yr beers.:thumbsup:
Thanks - will keep the updates coming
If you ever see Madmax's comments, dont mention the crowbar and burst-blistered palms. Even I felt sorry for him, hands were a mess, and worse still, we couldn't find the spiker he shot
Thats the crime of the year,couldnt find the spiker.Put a lost and found notice board up in yr hut.Make for interesting banter after a hunt.
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Another week and a little more progress..........and the freezer getting pretty chocka
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Tuesday Night weather permitting
Might be an old stag moanin by then
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She's comin along
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Originally Posted by
You are going to have to build another deck now ( I thought the build was a deck until the wall went up :D ) to put the barby on and relax with a beer after a hunt.
Its been mentioned - don't worry. Maybe next year
Good effort guys,youv put some swet in there.Enjoy.
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Finally broken through from the old Hut. Took the window out to make the new opening into the lounge, and put it in the wall on the right of the pic. Using 4 x 1 pallet timber to continue the feature -wall theme (cheap and effective)
Just got the electrical, finishing and painting to go
At night in the outback on the am band we could often listen to NZ stations. Remember listening into a AB game one night.