You will notice recurring themes in these search reports: party splits up; no intentions lodged; inadequate gear; no map; no means of communications; failure to seek advice; poor planning; not being prepared for a night out in the scrub, etc. Yet these events will keep on happening, because people don't learn from the mistakes of others. As a park ranger (40 years) and a SAR Adviser to the Police (27 years) I took part in over 250 SAR operations, and the causes were always one (or more) of those on the list above. You hoped that people would learn from their mistakes, but I recall one party leader who we rescued 3 times! What totally annoyed me though were lengthy searches for people who "disappeared" deliberately. A woman left footprints heading into the tide on a west coast beach, and a pile of her clothing was found nearby, and a long difficult search ensued. She was discovered much later alive and well, living in Sydney. Seems she was having relationship difficulties! A big shout out for LANDSAR- like volunteer firefighters, they are ordinary people doing an extraordinary job!