Classic alright! I recall a similar childhood incident to Ingrid51 up the Wentworth Valley out from Whangamata. My younger brother and I were out eeling with two of my cousins. Our ages would have ranged from 14 to 18 (I was about 16 at the time). Our eeling methodology was uniquely Rushy and involved road kill (possums and rabbits) and my grandfather’s slasher (it is amazing how many eels can be attracted by road kill in the shallows and how efficient a slasher is at beheading them). Anyway to the point, my younger brother decided it would be fun to put his finger in a rather big partially beheaded eel’s mouth to feel how sharp its backward pointed teeth were but he did not figure on the nerve reflex that caused the eel to close its mouth and nor on his finger being shredded when he shook it loose. Fuck the three of us not in pain laughed as only young fellahs can when someone in the group does something dumb. Having typed this has made me realise that I am the only one of that group of four that is still above ground and breathing. I could write a bloody book about our escapades as young fellahs.