Ok, I think we have the helibiking sorted for my young nephew at xmas, so now looking for recommendations for a memorable skydive experience on the mainland.
He has not done any skydiving before so will need to be a tandem I guess
Ok, I think we have the helibiking sorted for my young nephew at xmas, so now looking for recommendations for a memorable skydive experience on the mainland.
He has not done any skydiving before so will need to be a tandem I guess
Pity Penguins can fly! What a cock up designing a bird that walks, must had been an off day?![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
My daughter is currently doing her big OE, about four days ago we got the clip of her jumping over the Swiss Alps from a kerosene taxi, never seen her scream before, seriously funny, said bad words she tells her dad off for using!
I did to skydives during the 90's ...
First one was a tandem at "Pudding Hill" and the second at "Wigram Airfield" was a solo jump at 3500Ft and the parachute deploying on a static line ... was EXTREMELY FUN .. got about 10secs of freefall with the solo .... must admit felt like 10hours![]()
Motueka may be worth a call.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
My advice is stump up for the training (I think it is a day in class and on the ground or used to be?) to jump out solo and be in charge of your own destiny.
20 odd years ago I did a Tandam as a gift, girlfriend bought it for my birthday, I rang to see how much to upgrade to a solo jump but the company only did tandems.
So I did the Tandam... did one forward roll out of the plane, then with a drogue shute out to stop you plummeting to earth as you are strapped together you basically cannot do anything but fall slowly face down with some dude strapped to your arse.
If you haven't got the gist yet I was extremely underwhelmed with the whole experience and have had more exciting taxi rides.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
The "drogue" has a reason and that reduce the velocity to a suitable one and then save your life during the opening, yes you are restricted to "fewer" movements but it is 100% more than your "static line" or first AFF(accelerated free fall), static line you have no more than 5 seconds till your parachute fully open and in the AFF case however you have the 30 seconds Freefall you will be full time supervised by two instructors.
my brother used to fly "meatpacks" as he called them when he was a "new" commercial pilot getting hi hours up reckoned they were bonkers![]()
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
I tandem skydived from 10000 feet it was a real good buzz
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
I did a tandem as it was bought for me as a gift. Jumped over Whitianga, no drogue. Loved every second. @Shearer. Did you jump or were you always the driver?