Good luck Thomas.
You will be pushed hard and made to do dumb arse things ...... they want to know if you can follow orders no matter what or if you will break.
When I did my basic Sgt Williams was on his last intake before retirement. He was in his late 50's back then.
Our first RFL Sgt Williams announced that everyone he beat was on a charge for being idle.
No one took him seriously after all we were young fit and 18 and he was an old man ready to retire...........
That was until he passed over half our platoon with only a few hundred meters to the finish.
I got 3 days CB parade for that one. Unfortunately for me that was the first of many
Old P38 finished Basic holding the record for number of CB parade days completed for our intake ........ Musta been a slow learner back then.
It's funny now looking back but I can still remember it wasn't Bloody Funny at the time.
BTW are the NCO's still allowed to call you "Dogs Balls" and "Shit for Brains" while on Parade?