Certainly an interesting and somewhat alarming read @Tararuas hunter
In light of this would it be possible please to advise what Tararua headwaters you would include in a list to be avoided for this reason, or are they too numerous? I'm thinking of rivers as described; multiple waterfalls and where it is also too steep to climb out. Isabelle Ck historically, though it might be just the one large waterfall with the ability to sidle rather than a trap situation? The upper Tauherinikau is another I've heard to avoid, but again this might just be because it is impassable when in flood. Sooner or later in the Tararuas the need arises to duck off the tops and it would be good to have an idea of headwater routes to definitely avoid - or to only use below a given confluence?
If I didn't have a lot of the old maps that show historical routes and some waterfalls it wouldn't for example be clear to me that the upper Waingawa (that you and the NZHA guys used as an exit route the other year) is fine when the Arete Stream branch is not.