The Outdoor Recreation Consortium's big project for 2016 has been confirmed as a contribution to a new hut in the Kaimai ranges. This hut will be the first of several to be built by the Kaimai Ridgeway Charitable Trust, which is a collaboration of trampers,hunters and the local community.
Recreation (and conservation) has languished in the Kaimai, but with its proximity to population, diverse forest and even some tops it is an area with huge potential for increased participation.
The update below is from Auckland Tramping Club's 'Wanderlust' magazine.
"Kaimai Project Update
Some major progress has happened over the last month or so
Te Rereatukahia Hut now has a real sink bench under a covered
verandah extension, a hearth ready for a logburner, and an empty
woodshed waiting for firewood to be flown in. The log burner
installation and painting work is expected to happen before Christmas –
lead group Kaimai Ramblers
We have completed the designs and submitted a funding for our first
new hut at the Ngamuwahine Shelter site – lead group Bay Of Plenty
The Manukau Tramping Club have put up their hands for the
maintenance of Dalys Clearing Hut and local tracks
The Tauranga Mid Week Tramping Group have volunteered to take on
the maintenance of the top section of the Leyland O’Brien Tramway
track – in addition to all the tracks in the southern Kaimais that they
already maintain
The Cambridge Tramping Club has taken on responsibility for the track
from the top of Wairere Falls down the Kaimai Ridgeway and out on the
Te Tuhi track to the edge of the farmland – one of our popular tramps
Track work has been happening in the Lindemanns area led by the
Katikati Tramping Club, and a group of us did track maintenance on the
tracks to the east and south of the Te Tuhi / Kaimai Ridgeway junction,
with a side trip also into the very tidy little Mangamuka Hut.
Our DOC partnership agreement is being extended to include the
Kaimai Ridgeway route from SH29 all the way to where the Mangakino
Pack Track reaches the Waitawheta River.
We are close to the formation of a Kaimai Ridgeway Charitable Trust to
take over the responsibility for the now wide ranging partnership
agreement and Kaimai Backcountry Management Plan – this will be a
joint tramping and deerstalkers organisation with major responsibilities
for a large part of the Kaimai hut and track network
Fmc Staff's photo.