Not sure all the compounds injected are protein based and that vinegar would be effective. Never had to try it, and hope like hell I never have to!
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Ive never seen that in pureora, where is it most common?
Hawkes Bay.
You can rub Pepper tree on the effected area I would think that dock leaves would also work.
Haven't seen any in the Kaimias. But Dad said we had some at on the farm. Ive not run into the NZ stuff which a lot of people say is much worse than the British stinging nettle.
You Can make a soup out of Stinging nettle. The Romans also used to rub it on there skin to keep warm....hard buggers those Romans:thumbsup:
Ureweras are tge hookgrass capital of the world ! Some gullies are also full of tree stinging nettle and I ve also struck it in Waipunga and Tataraakina.
I find it growing mostly around streams?
If you are bored with Seton Nossiter then Wilton Bush has a nice quick circuit that includes a rather old Rimu Tree
I dont know much about NZ flora other than ongaonga (im a pom) but whats that annoying plant that has round spikey balls that stick to your socks and trousers and then it explodes into tiny sticky annoying seeds when you look at it. Whatever that is, i bloody hate it!
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Ongaonga does live around the edges of watwr mostly. There is a place in the rimutakas where i pitch a tent thats surrounded a massive ground spread of it. I got me once while i was staring down a pig in the dark with my headlamp. I also copped it one morning in the aorangis near mangatoetoe hut. Last time was up behind corner creek Campsite. That was the worst one on bare shin.
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Antihistamine taken immediately works for humans and dogs..
It's another claim to fame for NZ, the largest and most poisonous member of the nettle family we also have the largest member of the fuschia species as well.
Back in South Africa, I had an encounter with African poison oak - Smodingium argutum - a mid sized tree. That wasn't a fun day either. During an escape and evasion exercise too... Good thing that it was only half a day from the end. After that, the trees may as well have been made out of hi-vis material - I could tell them from all other trees in the bush and had an almost sub-conscious aversion to them. Pain is an awesome teacher.
Yes, even to those who have never seen it before nettle has the appearence of someone who you shouldnt mess with.