Awesome work by the team from DOC (did i just say that) the Army and volunteers cleaning up the rubbish in South Westland. Looks like shit tonne of rubbish coming out.
@R93 might need to stop turfing ya tins out of the chopper window mate
Awesome work by the team from DOC (did i just say that) the Army and volunteers cleaning up the rubbish in South Westland. Looks like shit tonne of rubbish coming out.
@R93 might need to stop turfing ya tins out of the chopper window mate
DoC found something they’d good at? Taking out the rubbish![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
so why dont they just spray whole area with diesel and drop a match on it??? in six months time or after the next flood you wont know the difference....anything burnable will be gone,anything metal will rust away quicksmart....and dont give me the toxic bit...what they remove just goes into another tip further from the river. it seems like a giant waste of time and money to me.
seriously WHERE do you think its being dumped now???
looking at the footage of river area there is a shit load of logs/roots/wooden debris that they are sifting through to get at the plastic etc...why not burn it???
At least if in a bin or landfill its not in the water ways. Or would you prefer we just gave up? Suppose you just biff shit out your car window?
Anyway, i wasnt interested in a debate on it, just saying good stuff to those mucking in
I hate the smell of burning plastic. makes my gut churn.
Use enough gun
The landfills of old and the landfills of today are as different as a blunderbuss and a modern semi automatic firearm. Today’s landfills are lined, the leachate is treated through a reverse osmosis plant with the particulate redeposited into the landfill and the resultant water is cleaner than most river water. The methane gas created by the decomposing refuse is extracted and used to fuel generators that put electricity into the national grid.
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
If you burn it where it is you are punishing the environment for our own doing.
Aye, reminds of another famous line...... “love the smell of napalm in the morning, smells like victory”.
Thumbs up to all those tying to deal with clean up.
Unless you see this mess for yourselves you won't appreciate the damage. Pics and news coverage doesn't show the half of it.
They don't show the rubbish that has washed out to sea and travelled both north and south along our beaches.
People I have been with and myself have picked up some rubbish but there is way too much for us to make a difference.
It is pretty sad really.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
lol yeah well..... I guess someone put it someone has to pick it up AGAIN....and put it somewhere else AGAIN.
Taumarunui used to tip the rubbish into the gullies down behind the high school and cemetry....thats half a km away from a mojor river and the gullies are old washouts from years gone wonder if future generations will end up doing the same thing there as is happening on west coast.
and NO I dont biff stuff out car window.
the thousand square kilometres bit doesnt sound right...its a river bed so maybe what 500mtres wide??? even at 1km wide it would have to be 1000kms long...which it physically CANT BE.