I do agree that some exercise is better than none, but if you want to get hunting fit, you're going to need to get the heart pumping and a sweat on. Sadly, evening strolls through the park are going to do it.
I do agree that some exercise is better than none, but if you want to get hunting fit, you're going to need to get the heart pumping and a sweat on. Sadly, evening strolls through the park are going to do it.
yeah, Im trying to bike to work a couple of times a week (68km round trip) which will hopefully keep the worst of the spiderwebs off, once the little one gets a bit bigger I can use them for rucing practice I suppose
I think of it as keeping fit for life. For me the best thing(s) I have ever done for fitness are going to a muscular skeletal specialist to correct muscular imbalances. Getting a proper strength and conditioning coach - not some 19 year old with a polytechnic certificate but a real one - my guy has worked in and with international level sports teams, trains one of our elite armed response units, is an expert in hand to hand combat and is a firearms instructor. Started to read and listen to Dan John who writes and speaks about fitness for the average and not so average person better than anyone. Then finally buying Tactical Barbell Strength and Tactical Barbell Conditioning and applying the principles and templates to my training. You won’t get a better methodology/programming to work from. At 54 I’m the best conditioned and balanced I have ever been across strength, strength endurance, cardio and high intensity cardio I’ve ever been in my life.
Fitness is kind of a hobby for me as well and I want to keep as fit as I can for as long as I can within the obvious confines of age and time. Hunting is a bonus!!!!