Here is a link to a Rare Breed Conservation Association project I have been linked to for the last 5 years.
Here is a link to a Rare Breed Conservation Association project I have been linked to for the last 5 years.
For conservation purposes, perhaps a small flock could be sent to England to ensure their survival?
The rest of the country is riddled with them.
Be sad if the Island lost them, but the breed isn't in to much danger.
Overkill is still dead.
Yes, the conflating, of there being a small number of an introduced species, on an island, with conservation of a risk of extinction is interesting, at least.
But I'm picking there is already a difference in the sheep's type etc because they have been bred in a domestic situation for such a long time. In the wild it's all random. Survival of the fittest comes into play. There is no artificial genetic selection in the wild like there is on a farm/lifestyle block.
That was one of the big problems I saw when Rare Breeds were "saving" the Waipu goat... They were an isolated wild breed that had lived a survival of the fittest for umpteen years. Natural breeding occured. Probably lots of inbreeding (line breeding) as to what billy did the deed with the nannies. There were so many statements on FB etc where people were picking billies to use because they had good wool etc. The complete antithisis of how the "breed" developed.
The best way to preserve them would be to fence off a good sized patch of bush and just let them go. Totally impractical, I know. But too much meddling means actually ruining the breed.... I don't know what the answer is, but selectively breeding isn't it.
I am on the island right now. Seen 3 sets of new lambs and one nice ram.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
there are shit loads of them around..we had some ourselves...and if you think about it.... they as a breed CANT die out...the yare after all saxton merinos the same as all the other saxton merinos..pitt island being another flock.... left alone they will ..all on their own rebreed back to what they maintenance.... near enough..MUCH hardier than a whiltshire.... go well with Gotland bastard arsehole fencejumping wrongway running secretive Swedes...... cross the two and you get a very cunning,very tasty easy maintainence small holding sheep. but left alone the arapawa will prevail....
75/15/10 black powder matters
yes the 55grn heading dog is superb at the task....a 125grn ballistic tip just behind the ear hole on out stretched neck on the old bitch who used to lead them was very satisfying too...but the mongrel bastard who jumped out on to road,then led me on merry chase till we both were absolutely stuffed copped a 50grn vmax between the soon to be bulging eyeballs was by far the most satisfying shot I've ever made ...I would chase him in wagon,get out to catch him and he kept beating me by mere inches...I cracked rib landing on rock in long grass,he was headed for main road at rangitata when finally gave up and shot the mate said mutton was tenderest he has ever had..figure that one out LOL.
75/15/10 black powder matters
They are not Saxon Merino
Their closest DNA related sheep is the Gulf sheep which in themselves are endangered
The Arapawa type sheep on mainland can not be considered pure unless provenance is proven
Your all experts however.
Just thought I'd raise awareness that the base flock of these sheep which is the mainstay of many trophy hunting and lifestyle flocks is at risk
No different to Fiordland Waps...look at effort that goes there...a deer is a deer right...shoot out all the Stewart island ones...there's some on the mainland.
No different
I've appreciated your input though.
I’d e surprised if their bloodlines are pure these days, they’ve been running with and probably interbreeding with other breeds on the island for years. Took part I the culling of them way back in the eighties and there were some different looking ones then. Interesting times then with Betty Rowe and her cohorts trying to save them while cockies and Govt wanted them gone.
SO where did they come from in the first place????
dropped off by the likes of Jimmy Cook for stranded sailers and sealers????
my point is......they survived and bred to the best able to suit the conditions..single small lamb,easy birthing,they regulate their breeding cycle to fit the seasons,the shed wool where it will be an issue,they dont get overburdened with worms of ticks or they died
left alone with whatever other breeds of sheep they will still rise to the top of heap as those same traits will again be the winner
saw two small mobs on roadside today down between waimate and oamaru....
fiordland waps..are no longer pure waps,havent been for many a year,they are fiordland deer,and the best of them are MOSTLY wap bloodline...
good on you for trying to keep a pure line for future,they are great sheep and taste wonderful..if I still had land to put them on I would still have my small flock.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Taken Wednesday.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.