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View Poll Results: Should scalping on the forum be banned

61. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes and repeat offenders banned

    9 14.75%
  • Yes and ban repeat offenders/low post count accounts

    10 16.39%
  • Yes but no bans.

    3 4.92%
  • No

    20 32.79%
  • I don't care

    19 31.15%
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Thread: Ban Scalping on the Forum Poll

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    North Canterbury

    Post Ban Scalping on the Forum Poll

    After a recent thread selling projectiles we'll above retail appeared here. To try limit scalping I suggest we ban scalping outright on the forum. Its happening in the states bad so I think we jump on it early as it just makes it harder to buy powder as people will buy it just to sell it.

    I would say that limit pricing on reloading items to highest retail pricing to try control pricing.

    I would personally like to see a single warning to any member scalping on this forum. And then a ban or an instant ban for low post count accounts that are not contributing and only come here to use the buy sell threads for free.

  2. #2
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    The Hill
    Yes, and ban them all, no chances

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    Yes, and ban them all, no chances
    Can't change poll options but I guess people can like your post. I figured give those that contributed to the forum a chance incase they miss the rule.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Christchuch New Zealand
    Personally while I disagree with scalping, we do no have auctions on here. So if the seller lists something that is at a price that you feel is excessive or offensive, you have the choice to not buy it. We all have differing views on the value of an item and while one person may not think it is worth $X someone else may think it is a bargain.

    I would add that while buying something then listing it at a significant increase straight away can be annoying, at the end of the day we all are able to choose to buy it or not. ANd if we all choose not to buy it, it wont sell and they will maybe not be bothered.

    I am not saying I condone or agree with scalping, but I am saying the line turns very grey and fuzzy when it comes to policing it. Where do we draw the line ?

    How long after buying it is too soon? Would the projectiles I have in stock that are from the shop and 12 years old be sold at todays prices- is that scalping ?

    How much margin is considered scalping?

    Who makes that distinction?

    I can and have asked very similar questions about fuzzy poorly written firearms law changes, especially that last one..and we know how that went....

    Sure someone makes one post and lists something at an exorbitant price may be gouging- but alternatively, if it was at a bargain price they are probably a scam and wont send it....OR they are new and have no idea about prices....
    Last edited by timattalon; 03-08-2021 at 02:18 PM.
    199p, kiwijames, ebf and 8 others like this.
    Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Stocky View Post
    After a recent thread selling projectiles we'll above retail appeared here. To try limit scalping I suggest we ban scalping outright on the forum. Its happening in the states bad so I think we jump on it early as it just makes it harder to buy powder as people will buy it just to sell it.

    I would say that limit pricing on reloading items to highest retail pricing to try control pricing.

    I would personally like to see a single warning to any member scalping on this forum. And then a ban or an instant ban for low post count accounts that are not contributing and only come here to use the buy sell threads for free.
    ....Respectfully....it all sounds very Red-party/Green-party - if they don't like something, they ban it ....or tax the shit out of it.... or appear on the news and state "I reject (insert whatever question pops up here....) - rather than letting the market decide....
    If someone has something that another member desires, at a price mutually acceptable to both parties..... who has the time to police this shit....?
    I see where you are coming from though

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Thank you but No. I don't want to see communism making small steps on this forum.
    Nathan F, GWH, mikee and 3 others like this.

  7. #7
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Nelson, New Zealand
    Free market. Buyer and seller can decide for themselves to buy (or sell) or not at what ever price they want. Who are we to try and force them to do otherwise
    GWH, 257weatherby, 6x47 and 5 others like this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    Personally while I disagree with scalping, we do no have auctions on here. So if the seller lists something that is at a price that you feel is excessive or offensive, you have the choice to not buy it. We all have differing views on the value of an item and while one person may not think it is worth $X someone else may think it is a bargain.

    I understand that but we also dont charge 8% success fees. We dont discriminate against selling firearms and firearms related items either. I understand supply and demand but this forum as far as I can tell is supposed to be a community hence threads like Pay it Forward or the thread linking to good buys on trademe or the countless threads that members helping members.

    I would add that while buying something then listing it at a significant increase straight away can be annoying, at the end of the day we all are able to choose to buy it or not. And if we all choose not to buy it, it wont sell and they will maybe not be bothered.

    I am not saying I condone or agree with scalping, but I am saying the line turns very grey and fuzzy when it comes to policing it. Where do we draw the line ?

    How long after buying it is too soon? Would the projectiles I have in stock that are from the shop and 12 years old be sold at todays prices- is that scalping ?

    How much margin is considered scalping?

    Who makes that distinction?

    I agree but the line can be drawn somewhere and rules always have discretion by the admins.

    I can and have asked very similar questions about fuzzy poorly written firearms law changes, especially that last one..and we know how that went....

    Sure someone makes one post and lists something at an exorbitant price may be gouging- but alternatively, if it was at a bargain price they are probably a scam and wont send it....OR they are new and have no idea about prices....

    Disagree with this members often offer things for sale here cheaper than trademe etc or at significantly under market value. Pretty much anything @ryansonghurst posts comes to mind. I have multiple times done deals for members as well as members helping me out at times.
    This is not a new rule precedent as links to personal trademe listings have been banned for ages as it doesn't benefit members or the community.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    *shakes head*....so if someone buys something above retail, that is scalping?....and I thought it was stupidity.

    I have been buying and selling (hopefully for a profit) since long before the internet became the go to place to buy and sell....remember Loot and Buy & Exchange.

    I have given stuff away on this site, if the person I have given it to then decides to sell it, then so be it...it happens.
    mikee, Cyclops, Moa Hunter and 1 others like this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by Nickoli View Post
    ....Respectfully....it all sounds very Red-party/Green-party - if they don't like something, they ban it ....or tax the shit out of it.... or appear on the news and state "I reject (insert whatever question pops up here....) - rather than letting the market decide....
    If someone has something that another member desires, at a price mutually acceptable to both parties..... who has the time to police this shit....?
    I see where you are coming from though
    Respectfully I disagree and I'd hardly call myself either of those coming from a Ranching Montana Republican to NZ farming background. I understand your opinion and disagree but banning things on moral grounds isn't a side of a political argument. This is a community and as such I think its should be kept as such if people want to price gouge do it on trademe a place made to buy sell etc. This is just a perk of the forum. Plus either side often suggests rules as I have. I created a poll to give an indication of forum opinion on the matter and finally it realistically falls down to what the forum owner wants and whether they consider the poll results at all.

  11. #11
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Way to much work for what it is

    If its over priced it wont sell anyway so not really an issue
    Brian, ebf, BRADS and 6 others like this.
    Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by LookingForMauser View Post
    Thank you but No. I don't want to see communism making small steps on this forum.
    I get called a right wing nut from one side and a communist by the other goes to show I'm probably more centered than you might think. Murder is banned as its immoral doesn't make the person that suggesting banning murder communist. People constantly bitch about price fixing and anticompetitive behavior by the likes of H&F. I dont see the difference. To be honest the fact you see everything as communism tells me we wont ever have a meaningful discussion.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by 199p View Post
    Way to much work for what it is

    If its over priced it wont sell anyway so not really an issue
    I disagree. I've got no problem with people posting WTB threads and people messaging them and saying i could spare you some for an extra $20 etc but advertising it at extreme prices just sets that as the new market norm and eventually retailers will follow suit. let it go on TM if people want to scalp dont detract from the forum.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Stocky View Post
    Respectfully I disagree and I'd hardly call myself either of those coming from a Ranching Montana Republican to NZ farming background. I understand your opinion and disagree but banning things on moral grounds isn't a side of a political argument. This is a community and as such I think its should be kept as such if people want to price gouge do it on trademe a place made to buy sell etc. This is just a perk of the forum. Plus either side often suggests rules as I have. I created a poll to give an indication of forum opinion on the matter and finally it realistically falls down to what the forum owner wants and whether they consider the poll results at all.
    Refer to my earlier post:

    [QUOTE] If someone has something that another member desires, at a price mutually acceptable to both parties..... who has the time to police this shit....? [QUOTE]

    We've all seen plenty of examples where something has been listed here for sale and members promptly point out an absurd asking price - or the item gets bumped more times than the number of enquiries.....
    Scalpers suck, sure - but there is a market....or there isn't....don't like it - don't buy it....
    199p and 6x47 like this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Stocky View Post
    I get called a right wing nut from one side and a communist by the other goes to show I'm probably more centered than you might think. Murder is banned as its immoral doesn't make the person that suggesting banning murder communist. People constantly bitch about price fixing and anticompetitive behavior by the likes of H&F. I dont see the difference. To be honest the fact you see everything as communism tells me we wont ever have a meaningful discussion.
    Impressive how rapidly you jumping to conclusions. Haven't got any idea why I am seeing "everything as communism".. but Hey if you say so



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