Revealing another 'smart capitalist' on the forum.
Copied from this thread, post #24
Quote Originally Posted by 19Badger View Post
I always thought it was bad form to post on someone else's advert that their price isn't what "you" think it should be.
There have been many BSA 12's, 12/15's etc sold on here for more than the $350 you say it's worth, I personally think the price is reasonable.
Just because money is tight doesn't mean items devalue, it just means there are less buyers and given it's a registry triggering event it further reduces the number of buyers. @johnd & @Hermitage all you've done is make it harder for the OP to sell the rifle for what HE wants for it. Quote
Quote Originally Posted by blip View Post
Its a for sale thread, not a debate on what someone else that isn't even going to buy it thinks he should sell it for....Quote
Quote Originally Posted by J-S View Post
Understand they were stating their thought on value in this market, i would have done it by personal message rather than hijack someone’s sales post, but oh well.. I still certainly haven’t seen any $350 target rifles pop up. Quote
I've just read these comments from @19Badger and @blip and don't agree. I think we need to protect new and perhaps naive forum members from 'hidden retailers' who try to overcharge on goods by calling out their high prices.
Forum member J-S who is selling this Vostok smallbore rifle is a retailer/or he does this as a 'side hustle'. He buys from H&S Forum members at mates rates and sells for profit on TMe (or buys off TMe and Turners Auctions and sells on the Forum for profit).
He is known on TradeMe as member j.s.83 (you may have come across him before as he usually asks a firearms-related seller in the Q&A if they have a 'Buy Now price').
He has over 15 pages of TradeMe feedback for selling firearm-related goods (that's 756 sales feedbacks).
Over 10 pages on TradeMe feedback for buying firearm-related goods (he does have very high positive feedback I noticed).
If you look at his H&S Forum posts they are pretty much all from the Buy, Sell & Trade section.
So he buys low and sells high but perhaps makes out he's not a semi-professional buyer and seller by saying in his listings: "Surplus to my requirements"..."Surplus to my needs."
TradeMe Feedback:
So to answer @19Badger that's why I commented on this Buy, Sell, Trade thread by saying he is asking too much for this smallbore rifle.
Although J-S is probably a good guy, please see my thread below on what I think of 'semi-professional' sellers on the H&S Forum: