not fit and proper call the fsa
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not fit and proper call the fsa
Everyone has differant values in life .
Generally the "once bitten- twice shy " rule is enough to stop me having dealings with people who dont fit my core values.
Other than that - I think theres a degree of deceased equine flogging going on here , to no real purpose.
Have been "bitten " by a few on here begging on behalf of the new/poor etc. Me being a soft touch means that they benefited.
Never again says I
People amaze me, had a person on this forum, was selling at bottom dollar & he expected the item to be dropped off, 300ks away, said he would shout me a cup of coffee.
Well if you posted it, you have their address... :psychotic:
If guys buy stuff from here then they would be better putting it back on here for sale rather than the yellow site as there are no fees. Stuff also sells much faster on here as it’s a target market of hunters and shooters. It’s also rewarding to help guys out.
Seems very bizarre to me given the small margins involved in some of the examples mentioned. I suppose for some it’s just all about the $$$ and nothing else.
so right Mickey duck a lot of what I have sold lately after freight its hardly profitable but goes to good home and not sitting in cupboard
It seems to be default setting for some people to try and turn a profit on good deals squired by various means. I sold a spare vehicle to an ex-work mate to help him out, on the understanding I had first right to repurchase if no longer required. Cunt I sold it at near 100% profit. Kicked him to touch, wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire now. This shit happens, move on and don’t deal with the cunts again, simple. Outing them probably won’t change their behaviour but may warn others off.
I got caught up in a forumites "dirty deal" - he bought a rifle off an old bloke off TM really cheap cause the old boy was a bit confused. I picked it up for him and was a bit dismayed. When he sold it again on the forum for double the money it was the final staw for me, he'll never get anything from me. Nothing illegal but completely immoral.
Ive got no beef with people paying the asking price and then on selling it for a profit, heck I've done that quite a few times myself. Part of being intimate with a hobby is knowing the current market values and all the details about what is a good buy etc.
What I don't think much of is people that either try to talk a seller down in price even more first or using a sob story like "I need X to help get my son into the sport" and then on selling for more.
I joined this community because I shared its interest in hunting, fishing, the great outdoors and was full of like minded people from all walks of life.
I just spent a couple of minutes looking up the post history of the one being complained about. From his post history it shows an overwhelming number of posts in the Fs/Wtb section and very very few posts in any of the many other sections.
I have always been impressed with the number of Good Buggars on here who sell or buy surplus gear within our community and give the members the chance of saving a few bucks.
That is what a community does...........We help each other.
But, every community does have one or two members who seem to take advantage of the majority.
While its not illegal, I regard that kind of behaviour as immoral and not behaviour that strengthens our community.