Suggestion to lock down the buy and sell section to members who have posted at least x amount of times (e.g. 50)
just my 2 cents.
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Suggestion to lock down the buy and sell section to members who have posted at least x amount of times (e.g. 50)
just my 2 cents.
Only problem with that is it will lead to bulk junk/spam type posts, the mods do a reasonable job of policing when required, if you have an issue maybe contact one of them ?
@Willus, have you had issues with new members? I'm new to this forum, how about a system of being recommended by a long standing member?
Watchu talking bout Willus
Context is a game changer.....
In the same lines as - assumption is the mother of all fuckups.
It's in relation to new members signing up and trying sell their gear before conducting forum courtesy (intros).
I have had no problems but there is always someone that points it out when it happens.
This is just a suggestion to counter this 'issue'.
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That gave me a flashback to the 80's lol
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yea, i get a bit pissed with all the comments on some of them.
things that have nothing to do with the sale,
eg, if i had the money i would be all over this..
well you obviously don't have the money so no need to comment, all you are doing is pushing another seller of page 1 to page 2
not much help for the seller,
if you aren't serious of buying, then leave the questions or comments to the ones that are.
Rant over (for now)
Be easier for the admins, if a new member has a profile - before trying to sell gear on their first post. @Rushy - sometimes a little humour gets the message across better than clogging up some one's PM inbox.
I find that it more often than not helps the seller, and often other potential buyers.
Bumps the thread to the top where it gets more attention. Why so many Hotels/Motels start with an A?
There is often feedback from other users which can help another buyer decide.
It shows there is interest out there which can prompt another buyer to act quicker.
If it is a particularly good deal this often gets pointed out to other potential buyers.
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So why can i not view the Buy/Sell thread?? I continue to get the above notice when i click onto the thread. Do you have to have done so many posts - if so, don't see this info?
As a newbie I find the buy sell comments helpful and I think they protective of people being mislead or ripped. An experience guy commenting that he thinks something is overpriced
may help someone out from a bad buy. He only risks his own credibility if he is wrong and I'm sure someone would point it out. Man! don't go like everywhere else and try to fix things by making up more rules.
With the amount of new members joining at the moment maybe it is time to restricted the buy and sell section to 50 plus post. While its great to have new members joining its seems a few have only joined to use this service. No intro and straight in there selling there shit
What about a time delay and X number posts before using the Buy and Sell? Other large forums started doing as they've become popular. It removes the scammers since they're usually in for a quick buck and seldom have much follow through, and usually in that time people who are going to become active in the forum start to contribute, while those that weren't going to contribute leave. Usually in that time they also learn the forum rules, since every forum is has its own unique social rules, and even is unique in how it operates. Since a forum is more at risk from sh*tty members poisoning the environment than having low numbers of new members, it should help moderate between quantity of new members and quality of new members.
A month delay and 5-10 posts is usually the standard, but 3 months is used when they've had issues with scammers.
In fairness mate it does bump there post back to the top of the forum list everytime someone posts in the thread. That does help. There's no many threads that don't have some form of high jacking including this one. But I do get it for sure. A comment going oh that is a lovely rifle doesn't do any serious harm. Usually if its a good deal it's sold in a day or much less if its just an average one then it might get to a few pages long before a sale.
I don't know what admin can do but this makes the most sense. My main issue is when you come online and miss a post from @ryansonghurst or the likes that's a real deal. And some guy with 1 post has taken the deal. Its a little shit as you know they joined to get the deal and likely won't contribute again except for the buy sell. Maybe I'm wrong but I think the page usually has everyone putting up very reasonable prices compared to the likes of trademe if they want a quick deal or a fair one if they need the money and are happy to sit on it for awhile. Grinds my gears a bit when someone has 10 posts and 1s and intro and the next 5 are in buy and sell threads. Doing this means you can't get an idea on the type of person you are dealing with and we don't have the same protections as the yellowsite in terms of being ripped off etc (even if it's marginal protections at most).
When there's a deal here to long time members chances are it will pop back up here at the same price down the line instead of going on trademe for double the price like I've seen pretty often.
ten post count aren't enough. Doesn't take much to rack up ten post. Also shits me when the first 5 post a in the FS section then some body is kind enough to donate gear and they are the first one there.
There is a member on here i never completed a trade with last year, he couldn't be bother getting back to me on a postage price, had about 50 post most were in the f/s section
I've a bit of a different way of thinking on this subject. The way I see it, is if someone joins up just to try and sell something, then that's possibly a member on here getting what they have been after, or maybe even a bargain. So what's the problem?
I'm betting if a cocky joined up and posted their first post along the lines of "Hi guys, I've a big deer problem on my station, anyone able to help out?", then they wouldn't be told to bugger off.
I just don't see what the issue is.
I issue is more often than not they don't sell for a bargain and tale bargains before more contributing members have. Most members won't say they should get it over the newbie as they are good sorts but I have sold gear to the long term member before that missed out by half an hour to a guy with 10 posts.
You can't compare selling items to being a good sort either if someone has 10 posts but one of them is inviting people to hunt private land for free. They are as far as I'm concerned a contributing member and I have no issue with them going to the buy sell section. But nobody just getting involved in the other threads is getting to bugger off just those that skip straight to buying and selling things.
There's a few guys that have 50 posts and 30 are in the pay it forward thread getting free stuff that's not the point of that thread or the point of guys selling stuff cheap on the for sale section.
I have less issues with new members selling than buying though to be fair.