How does one get banned? I have not seen R93 around on here for a while and saw on a recent post that he may have been banned? Cheers
How does one get banned? I have not seen R93 around on here for a while and saw on a recent post that he may have been banned? Cheers
Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast.
I think in his case it was by sending abusive/threatening messages to another forum member after a disagreement on a thread which is now closed. Either that or it was just a coincidence and he did something else bad at the same time...
I didn't realise he had gone .
It makes sense now when I think about it , I haven't seen anything from him in awhile .
I don't know what happened but I wish him well . He was good fun as far as I'm concerned .
+ 1. Great sense of humour with a lot of knowledge. That's a bugger. How do you find a 6 fingered west coaster to replace that rat bag ?? Shame. That thread should never have gone the way it did .
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
Is it possible to be unbanned.
Not really. You're welcome to sign up under a different name and try again though. Some times people just have a brain fart, get banned, then come back under a different guise and end up contributing constructively. However some repeatedly try to sign up and cause shit, its usually pretty obvious, and they get cleaned up till they stop trying...
It is a shame R93 got banned he contributed a great deal of advice along with others on this forum, but what else can we do the decision of the caretakers is final and not negotiable no matter how much we kick up a stink to get them to allow R93 to comeback it won't happen so no use wasting our breath. The original poster of that particular thread should have been banned as well for one or two things he said in public relating to the person he was dealing with.
To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals
Defend tuiman2
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most cases if you did get banned you probably don't want to come back anyway.
The last people to get the arse were defending him too. He must be a GC
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To be honest it probably says more about the behaviour/mentality of the people he associates with if they have a habit of getting banned from forums. Its really not that hard to disagree with people without being abusive.
I got the impression it wasn't so much what was said in that thread as what was said in private messages behind the scenes that caused the banning in this case. And going by Wildman's comment above it wasn't the first time either, so probably well justified.