Can anyone help a "mature" technologically challenged shooter with instructions as to how to post pictures to the forum.
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Can anyone help a "mature" technologically challenged shooter with instructions as to how to post pictures to the forum.
And do it in "old" speak please
Click "Insert Image" symbol in the reply/message formatting bar. A small window will open. Choose the file (photo) from your computer. Click upload. File then gets uploaded to forum and a small chunk of text is inserted into your message inside square brackets. You can do this multiple times to upload multiple pics in one post.
When you submit the message, the pic will appear in place of the text. You can type outside of the brackets as normal, before, after, use line breaks, etc... Just don't type anything between the brackets.
As above (the insert image button is the one that looks like a framed picture of a tree 3rd from the left just above where you type the words in)
Thanks very much for that most appreciated. Have a happy Christmas
and make sure files not too large. jpg format usually works, things like .png are usually too big
Click the tree button again and select another to upload.
I find it easyer to read and see if you hit the enter button a couple of times between pictures and text.
If like me you take too long to type out a story with pictures in it it times out or something and the pictures wont show in final post.
You're right it is too easy ... not! When pushing the insert image I just get a window saying insert URL. No options or choices so can proceed no further. It did work in then past but not no more.
Yeah that would be handy but it doesn't do that anymore. I could show you but of course I can't upload images. Just see on the Seven Sharp talking about super computers and 5G. Be better if they could get what they've got now working properly before introducing more half working things. For instance making it easy to upload images! Get rid of 4G back to 3G least we had good coverage then.
The first screen gives options of from url or from computer, if it is on the wrong one click at the top where it says from computer.
Failing that it requires someone clever like @gadgetman who can screen shot and draw scribbles on it and post what to do.
Ah yeah that's just the problem the computer option isn't there like it used to be. Only file types and cancel are there
Click on the picture icon.
Attachment 126324
Click on Select Files. If it is blank click on it anyway and say allow to a message to allow flash. Make sure to select the From Computer tab.
Attachment 126325
Browse to your files and click OK once selected. Then press Upload Files.
Attachment 126326
In your windows programs menu go down to the Windows Accessories folder and ope the Snipping Tool to take screenshots.
As above, + you have already posted on the topic that had the answer as a sticky...
Thanks Gadgetman. That's is my problem though. It doesn't have the computer option. It looks the same as your picture except no "From computer"or "Add an image from your computer".
I have uploaded photos in the past. But without the "From the computer" option I can progress no further.
Yes have posted about this before but gave up since I hate computers for obvious reasons and couldn't find away around getting past not having the computer option. Looked in Manage Attachments but nothing obvious sticks out to me?