What an upstanding man winnie is!:D
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Sorry guys here's a long winded spiel. So when I've taken a break from here I've gone and joined other gun forums only to find crickets.i find sooner or later I find myself gravitating back here.now I know theres a few on here that think that the only thing your allowed to talk about is guns or whatever you shot at.i think if we just stuck to that the crickets would be alive and well here.this place is quite alive and it's the other subjects that make it like that and being a public form and us being so worried about what the general public thinks of us them being able to see that we aren't just a bunch rednecks that all we can do is talk about guns a killing stuff.its good that they can see we actually discuss the same stuff they do and can do it usually maturely and logically.also credit goes to the mods here they show quite a lot of tolerance and they shouldn't be expected to baby sit us.i can understand and see both sides of the no politics and no religion threads some people just cant accept another person's different point of view and that's what spoils an otherwise quite informative discussion and the problem is the subject will always pop up.i wonder if its possible to do some computery thing that only allows a member to post once on one of those subjects or maybe it's to hard to do or just doesn't work that way. All in all tho this would have to be the best hunting and shooting community based forum on the internet cheers nd
For a post with a serious dearth of full-stops it made sense!:thumbsup:
Yea I'm just trialing the full stops at this stage being a writing retard hope they are going in the right places
Work on paragraphs next!!
@northdude, it has been said before... punctuation = the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit ;)
Good post mate,
Its important to remember that just like actual pubs there rules and like them not they are there generally for the good of this pub.
If people don't like the rules they can always go to another pub that suits them more.
It shouldn't be at the cost to this place and what it represents.