Perhaps he's been recognized for what he is. Perhaps a role as a senior journalist at Stuff? Nothing surprises any more.
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stuff cant even get questions right in the daily quiz!
last week they identified a p51 mustang as a dehavilland mosquito !!
as for their spelling and punctuation its as bad as their ultra left wing jacinda is a god stories
What a lot of ballyhoo guys. @kotuku id a good honest bugger as I see it and rnjoyed his posts. Lot of truths in those.
Sorry everyone but I had to comment after reading this from Northdude.
Just because someone doesn't use the best grammar or punctuation doesn't mean that they deserve to have shit thrown at them because of it. What a bunch of self righteous tossers you come across as. I have worked with an old guy in the past and a young fella not to long ago who both struggled with the written language but when it come to doing their job in the engineering field and being a valued and skilled member of the team they matched anyone else and sometimes did better.
Remember, everyone has something that they do better than everything else they can do. Acceptance is one of the greatest qualities a person can possess.
Let's eat grandma.
Let's eat, grandma.
Punctuation kills...
Agreed - also this is the litmus test for anyone who feels that they aren't as polished with their grammar and spelling - if someone who is good at these things talks down to you then they are a pompous twat
My facility with language is above average and my ability to royally screw things up is also above average