I originally joined this space because I love the bush and love to be out in it and hear about others' experiences in it. I am an old man now and have seen many changes in our little but amazing country. For the first time in my life I am scared by what is happening here. I grew up in a family of communists and trade unionists and recall sitting on the dinner table while my communist grandfather expounded Marxism with his cronies. I was born in the "Freemans Bay" and remember it being torn apart and our families being moved into "Transit Camps" to break down the working class resistance to Government dominance. This country has always been a socialist experiment, and that continues today. If you cunts want to be rats in a maze - go for it. I'm gonna head for the bush and live or die how I want. I don't even expect to live a lot longer, but it will not be how Saint Jacinda wants, or how Cahill wants, or how the ferkn Islamists want or how Tarrant wants - it will be how I fukn want. So you can bend over and get fukt by all of the above - that's your choice. Fukya. seeya.