I have seen that in FWD forums and a moderator has to approve the person joining and what is in that forum stays in that forum and no personal attacks or gone.... also blocked from search engines............
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After that unfortunate event I tried to keep politics from entering the forum but as you can imagine it was a tidal wave.
It was obvious that members needed a time frame to vent and calm down.
That time is nearly over, so we can return to the “ no politics” rule
So, if you see any blatant politics let myself or other mods know
And we will delete it
Sorry @outlander,didn'tmean you, meant the ones who responded earlier. I'm not good at being told what to do - one of my many failings. Another is being compliant - VERY bad at that, witness the scars. The letterbox is the goal not the mouthpiece, getting back is survival
@keneff, if you're outta here, then take care.
May the deer come to you, rather than the other way round.
I wish you the best spot to shoot from.
I bet most of the people on here that dont like other people openly stating their opinion have face book how do they handle it if someone one face book states an opinion they dont like fear not guys your pm will sort the forum out after shes got face book how she wants it
It must feel good to have your safe space back, @Gibo.
Yea ok if i look at a thread and it has one of those link things i dont bother with it especially if thats all the opening post has in it if i wanted to know whats on get a life book ill sighn up mind you i dont need to theres always someone dying to fill me in on stuff i couldnt give a shit about
Just another idea i know about the no politics it came to us we didnt go seeking it out but if theres a section the opely states in the title it has political subjects and you dont like discussing it dont visit the thread if im scrolling through the threads on here i only go to the ones that intrest me try it
Well frankly I don't when the matters being affected directly concern the interest group identity that we suscribe to....
Sure keep general politics and religion off it if you want - but in case you haven't noticed our society has changed. These forums are almost the only opportunity for our community to have a public voice. The media sure aren't interested in allowing us to represent our perspectives. Sure moderate the irrational, but robust contribution concerning legal and constitutional matters that directly affect us seems important to me. At the very least as a source of infomration to the wider group.
You can pretend its all just the same, but it isn't. And frankly returning to the constant dribble and bullshit about waikato beer pretending that is something that worth bothering with will only confirm the inevitiable. You only get two choices and whether you like it or not, remaining relevant is about the only way to remain relevant.
Yep, that's ^^^ pretty much how I see it too.
Our world has changed, Tarrant and the politicians have seen to that. VERY IMPORTANT that we all stay informed and in touch as I fear as "they" (anti gun & politicians) aint done yet, not by half. We need to be willing to stand up for what we hold dear & enjoy, and not let some muppets in Wellington driven by their ideology take away those rights and privileges that we share. Silence will be deemed to be agreement.
No, we dont need irrational raving (political or religious) but by god we need a common voice.
I also look forward to more hunting and shooting stories and general banter ..... its good to see this coming back to the fore.