I thought that would be blindingly obvious not all of us here can just go out and buy a new rifle when ever we want
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I thought that would be blindingly obvious not all of us here can just go out and buy a new rifle when ever we want
It’s clearly not obvious to some.
YMMV but I’m not buying something discretionary like another firearm with a credit card. I’m not rushing out to buy something not budgeted for. And I’m certainly not going to buy something that Ardern and Cahill and their sycophants could suddenly decide has also become illegal. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Unless of course people like ebf and Savage1 have an inside track on the future of firearms legislation?
@Nickoli, fair point
Maybe sightpicture is one of the really unlucky ones who only had firearms that instantly became "illegal". We can only go by what he says here...
The vast majority of folks I know have at least a bolt gun or 2, and the odd 22 plinking rifle etc.
My service rifle(s) fall into the "not legal anymore" category. But shooting and attending shoots (and showing support for the local clubs) is important enough to me that I made a plan. It's taken a couple of months, but luckily I am back on track again. I could not afford to go out and buy a new rifle (like many did in the aftermath). So I ended up importing a 223 bolt head, and having an old 223 target barrel turned down so I can use it in my Savage. Also attended another SR event where we used 22 rifles (10/22, marlin 795 etc) at shorter ranges, but shot the usual type of match.
Prefer to eat them than look at them
Bury the politics and get back to business
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Same boat @ebf - I've not got any rifle directly affected; doesn't stop me feeling empathy for those who have acted in good faith and are now affected by the confiscation.
It's a tough time for all - and I think we can all appreciate that emotions are high at the moment; which has had a substantive effect on the forum and it's members.
@sightpicture, sucks to be you then :(
have you looked into having the lever mag pinned or shortened.
PCC is probably gone-burgers...
some of the 3-gun guys are getting thru by just using the fiixed tube without extensions. others with stuff like Versamax with the longer tube would require more drastic work - probably better to wait for buy-back details before deciding on those.
stick a couple of refolded empty shells between the spring and follower...mag capacity is now legal..... havent seen heard or read anything to say HOW mag has to be altered to be legal capacity wise......suggested elsewhere,port the tube and pin it,weld pin in place,job done...you can wash out mag with crc if needed . the lever action could be done same way maybe..... think outside the square,find a solution instead of being beaten down by the problem.
I know the semi is history. Most expensive one, and the mags... shit happens.
The lever is apparently unable to be modified.
The shotgie could be but gunsmiths reluctant to take it on as no arms officer willing to say yes it will then be ok.
Waiting until compensation offered EXCUSE THE SHOUTING BUT ITS NOT A BUYBACK THOSE ILLEGITIMATE OFFSPRING OF PUTREFACTION INCARNATE THOSE FESTERING POLITICAL BOILS ON A SYPHILITIC HYENA’S SCROTUM NEVER SOLD ME ANYTHING ah, where was I - oh yes, means waiting many months, yes, with no guarantee whatever is paid will equate to any reasonable value.
More foul mouthed lame word smithing it is huh? Wheres that going to get you?
hmmmm pinned and welded in place seems pretty darn permanent to me..you COULD even remove part of the tube you wont be using but leaving enough to keep it structually sound,thus my suggestion to "port" it..... sooner or later the powers that be will have to say yeah or nah.....then you fellas can get on and get it done...
@Gibo; Goodness me, I'm so sorry to have given you a case of the vapors. No wonder your avatar is in Full Gibbering Mode, given your delicate propensities.
Actually, my foul-mouthed word smithing as you cite it, has been more rewarding especially with you delicate flowers, than my polite word smithing - as I alluded to in another thread - TPTB are not interested in debate or feedback.
But yeah, so it goes.
Anyhoo, I think I'll mosey along and go share the neighborhood with keneff. I'd hate to stress your timidity to the point where you're so blinded by tears of impotence you can't find the authoritarian apron strings you long to clutch.
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