We know Porn is off limits, but regarding swearing some members have voiced concerns over explicits being used in thread titles & posts ( mostly the 2 bad boys f**k & c**t )
Now us mod's don't want to start looking like the fun & censorship police & removing stuff left right & center, after all freedom of speech is one of the founding principles of this forum, but this issue has popped up a couple of times especially re- thread titles. So since the NZHS is a forum by the members for the members, I think you should be able to say what direction we take regarding swearing & Werther self censoring is the best way to go
Remember the forum is still young & finding it's feet so it will take time to work out things such as whats seen as productive for the forum as a whole & what isn't.
but life is all about compromise
Personally I think we are big & ugly enough to self censor ourselves & probably the best way to go is to persuade people to not use swearing in their title & if the vid or story in the thread is full of F's & C's then warn people
I see no problem with guys dropping in the odd F & C in a thread![]()