Loving trawling around the forum, I'm learning a lot from so many hunters.
I just enjoyed Kimber's great writeup from the roar. Unfortunately the way the forum works, stretching across the whole screen (on desktop), it's a lot of work to read anything with good depth(content) like his yarn. I re-sized the forum body area myself just to make it easy to read. I read somewhere that the optimum amount of 'words on a line' in digital is 7, otherwise you're moving your eyes too much and it's more work than it needs to be. With it so wide for me I almost have to move my whole head!
Anyway, question is: is there a way I haven't spotted to give the forum a maximum width for my profile? or perhaps you might consider adding a bit of stylesheet stuff to make it do it site-wide, though people probably used to things as they are and not my intention to go imposing my wants on everyone else.
I just wanged this on 'contentMain' or any of the other html classes to do it. Attached is a screenshot. Just an option to consider!
Code:element.style { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 1000px; }![]()