It's a big risk. Look at Aramex/Fastways online reviews. They are complely useless. Back when you could get a rifle sent to your address they lost my Sako 85 for 3 months, completely ignored me and purposefully made things difficult when I went down the road of trying to claim insurance and funny enough just through a chance encounter I found my rifle myself. The courier driver who had delivered it couldnt be fucked driving the extra 3km down a country road to leave it at my house so he just left it at the farmlands store in our local town assuming they would know me. They didnt, as I use PGG almost exclusively, so it sat in their back room for nearly three months untill I just happened to go in there to buy some 22 Ammunition because PGG had none. They saw my name on my license and the fella said hang on a minute, I think we have a package that was left here for you...
In theory my complaint/enquiry and claim for insurance from Fastways is still open 5 or so years later and they're still to contact me..