What happened to the gun registration thread I started yesterday? Was it getting to heated? I thought it was just getting good and it appears to have been deleted.
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What happened to the gun registration thread I started yesterday? Was it getting to heated? I thought it was just getting good and it appears to have been deleted.
Politics. One of the very few no nos.
I'm not sure if that thread was political, more general than political.
If fact three of us off this forum went shooting today and this very topic was bought up on the drive in and on the drive back, so it is obviouisly important to some of us.
Definately it was in the wrong section, however, even though I pulled out of the topic after having my say I think gun registration and the discussion of it is not contrary to what this forum is about.
I may be out voted on this but this is a forum and that is my opinion.
Yeah sorry if I put it in the wrong place. Never crossed my mind that it would be stretching the rules.
Did you get any answers to your question?
This one ???
No doubt there will be a bit more fuel to that fire too..
Batman Shooting 14 Killed at Colorado Dark Knight... | Stuff.co.nz
Savage1 the discussion and debate that you sparked when you posed the question regarding gun registration was extremely interesting and I said as much before the thread was discontinued. Clearly there were diametrically opposed opinions being expressed and some stated their view quite passionately however the subject matter was one that we all have a vested interest in and one that in my opinion had a great deal of merit and deserved to see the discussion continue. Personally I was disappointed to not be able to continue reading from where I left off last night. I applaud you for initiating the most interesting, provocative and engaging thread that there has been on this forum in my short time here. I respect the need for someone to make judgement calls as to forum content but think your thread did not merit censure.
The founders of the forum laid down very few rules ,very wisely in my opinion, no politics or religion is one. The problem being that while started and contributed to with the best of intentions threads on these topics if left to follow their natural path will far often end in a shit fight. Most will have seen it on other forums. Putting a name on the rule is the easy part, finding the spot in the sand to draw the line maybe not so.
I understand this forum has rules and while they are in place I'll do my very best to respect them.
But.... I have plenty of mates who hunt and shoot and sometimes we discuss politically themed topics, and sometimes we don't agree, and occasionally we disagree strongly. However because we are emotionally mature adults we can handle that. A subject such as asset sales probably doesn't need to be discussed on this forum, but something specific to firearms? I would have thought this would be the best place for it. It's relevant to all of us.
I would be happy to see a political section added but I won't hold my breath for it. And also I've seen people on here throw their toys and leave on threads that weren't remotely political.
But I don't make the rules and like I said I'll follow them.
Look this place is no politics and thats great it keeps alotta bullshit out... If u wanna talk it then txt or pm....
You started it and now your whinging.....
I just wana shoot an talk shit.......
Yes I'm sure you and your mates being emotionally mature adults could agree to disagree but we cant restrict membership here based on levels of emotional maturity as inviting as that sounds.You are free to discuss it adnausem just not here.
Yes people will disagree and throw toys over all and any topic because we cant restrict membership(see above)... but threads involving politics and religion are over represented in the toy throwing department so by removing just two topics that generally never reach any conclusion or offer much in terms of learning the toy throwing can hopefully be kept to a minimum and we cant ban all topics completely now can we.
Not holding your breath while waiting for a political section will be good for your life span.
It is interesting how quick people were to defend their right to use bad language and tell dirty jokes and yet this thread is removed which in my opinion is only marginally political??? I understand that there needs to be a line in the sand, but perhaps 'political' topics that solely relate to our sport (Lets face it gun control is one of our biggest threats) should be discussed????
Just to claify.
I to have no problem with the no politics, no religion rule. I also understand, as has been well said above in another post, that somebody must draw the line somewhere, in this case I guess the topic was withdrawn by one of the administrators when he decided that it had gone on long enough and was in danger of descending into a fight.
That is what administrators do and in this case it was done.
I have had my say about it, I will accept the decision made and move on.
Is gun control political?? from what I read of the thread there was no National, Labour, Greens or any other political party politics mentioned............so I don't even think it was marginally political in the discussion.
Was it going to turn into a s..t fight as somebady said.........well I saw the majority of posts disagreeing with firearms registration for various reasons and one person saying that firearms registration would be a good thing cost less than other people said bring advantages (ie less crime, ability to trace stolen firearms etc) and also registration worked in other countries.
I think my post may have been the last post and may have been why the thread was removed (my apologies to everyone if it was) but all I did was post some facts and ask some questions which required proof...........after all if you are going to have a discussion then you need to discuss facts, and have the statistics to support your facts, not guesswork and beliefs.
It's been pointed out that everyone here was pro swearing, derogitory remarks, dirty jokes etc and because we are adults swearing and derogitary remarks and dirty jokes are every day events which is why everyone here defends this behaviour on this forum.........yet we are deprived and dictated to regarding discussing something that affects every law abiding citizen (afterall laws only affect the law abiding) who wishes to own a firearm and every future potential owner.
At the end of the day it doesn't worry me that we can't discuss firearms registration here, but I have to wonder was the moderator that removed the thread pro firearms registration or is this board pro firearms registration..........I've seen several threads that could turn into s..t fights yet they arent removed.
Do we??????? If we did there wouldn't be any need for censorship and there wouldn't be any s..t fights.........think about that
Personally I did not think it breached any of the rules, it was not political at all. I am just worried that a moderator pulled it because they disagreed with it like just about everyone else.
KIWISHOOTER, could you chuck your last post on here or PM it to me, I'm just curious to see what you had to say.
Well the owners of this forum are quite entitled to run it how they see fit.
To me the no politics rule is pretty much head in the sand stuff. When there are political issues that threaten the current laws we all seem to be relatively happy to live with, will this be a group of people who will stand up & fight for what they believe in? Will they discuss the pros & cons of these issues, formulate strategies & work together? Or will they say no politics here?
Fortunately there are other forums available to discuss these important issues & it's up to everyone to make those decisions as to what's really important to them.
It's got nothing to do with agreeing or not with it. Politicians make the rules in question and thus is politics.
As said above somewhere you can do pretty much whatever you want here, apart from politics and religion.
That's about it.
Perhaps you should think about the definition of "mostly" and then give some consideration to how many immature members it takes to start a shit fight. Just about every other forum has a politics section where you can grind away till your hearts content . This one doesn't.
So what you are saying is that we cannot discuss any of the firearms laws? Storage of firearms? Licencing? E-cat changes approaching? After all that is all "Politics" according to your definition.
You can take it as it was intended or you can bend it either way you want
Poxy ph cut me off
The intention is clear - why make a big deal out of it all?
Spanners this is what amuses me about what you said..........if gun registration is political and can't be discussed........how can you tell what can be discussed as everything from being able to puy a pint at the pub to heard management to what is required to store a firearm in is political.........by not only your definition but also a few others definition the subject of firearm registration is political because it's controlled by politicians.
If that is the definition of political then someone needs to write a list of what is political, religeous and can't be discussed and what can...........because with that definition noting is clear anymore.
BTW did you get your package I sent?
If i was your guys i would just take it that if your thread gets deleted then it was to much :thumbsup:
When something gets deleted it's generally not 1 Persons decision and is a consensus behind the scenes
I'm really disappointed the thread got shut down for no good reason that I can see. The excuse of 'politics' was given but the thread hardly had anything to do with politics. What was the real reason? Were you noy happy having someone pro Police and pro gun registration having their say?
This is starting to read like a fishnhunt forum thread :P :wtfsmilie:
I'd say piss of back to f and h if you want to go on about it
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Mate, you had your say in the initial post. It went south a wee bit later. As Spanners said, it is a collective decision to delete and it is not personal.
As mentioned above it still is quickly turning into a spastic factory thread.
If you want, you can go there and open a thread with the same opening post and see how it develops, before getting too wound up about the moderating here.
It will, by nature erupt into something you did not intend, I'd say.
Let us know how you get on.