1st IPSC Rifle Nationals
Very short notice but entry form is now up. This is run to ipsc rules. Its open to anyone really. Doesnt matter if youre not a member of pistol NZ. If you own or know somebody who owns a rifle that fits a division in the rule book and you/they could be interested in trying ipsc rifle then sign up and come along! This is a rifle only event, so no shotguns or handguns involved.
This event is more geared towards E endorsed shooters but a very proficient A cat shooter can hold their own and surprise alot of people (read: mag changes, marksmanship, stage planning)
Entry form here http://www.pistolnz.org.nz/event/346766
Rule book here http://www.ipsc.org/pdf/RulesRifle.pdf
If you have any questions then ask away :thumbsup:
1st IPSC Rifle Nationals??? IPSC NZ started doing them in the 1980's!
Started ipsc in the 80's or held an ipsc rifle nationals in the 80's?
I lost the will to live at around page 17 of the rule book.
We started IPSC rifle and shotgun in 1983 (having annual nationals), pistol at that stage was a combination of interesting bits of existing matches but we had full IPSC pistol within a couple of years. My rifle (I still have it) was a 7.62x51 FN FAL factory sniper and I still have a few trophies from those days. We held an internationally sanctioned IPSC Level 3 (regional) rifle, shotgun and pistol shoot in 1993 with international attendance (Aussie, Sri Lanka, and Canada). I was the IPSC Deputy Regional Director and NZPA Action Section director in those days before Pistol NZ took over much later My holster badge is #1.
That will be it then, 1st nationals while under pistol nzs watch.