The BC01 is similar and has the advantage of using G1, G7 BC data, Its windage function allows you to enter windage & direction and it tells you what the windage turrett should be turned too and offsets the elevation for Earth rotational, magnus etc.
Remember all of the calculations are done by the computer software; what is downloaded into the hardened unit is simply multiple drop tables for each firearm and the enviromental variations/pitch angle offset the table you are using at the time. I haven't seen the BC01 software to comment - hopefully it doesn't just come in German?
The Barrett software is good but does not support multiple BCs in the current version; although its data format does allow the droplist to be edited with a Hex Editor before downloading if you want to operate in the post transonic zones. If you are not that geeky then create two gun profiles - I used to use for the little Grendel one up to 800m (BC=.570) and one 800-1200m (BC=520) and just quickly switch between them. The 100m zero is retained for each gun profile, so with a good QD mount (Recknagle) I can move the whole thing quickly to the .338 and select its BORS profile without loss of zero, so no need to buy multiple optics for each gun.
One additional factor to consider, although not even mentioned by Barrett is that the electronics are housed in a double faraday enclosure - so you have good EMP protection (if you worry about those things).
It also says "BARRETT" on it - which is always a good thing...