Found this review on the Speer pages for their #1213 85gn SP Boat Tail FWIW
"Today at 82 years of age, I've been using this bullet for over 60 years in the same Ruger 77 bolt-action rifle. That rifle has shot the bullet close to a 1" group, sometimes less, using an almost max-load of IMR 4350. For the last 10 years, I've move up to a manual recommended max-load of 46 gr of IMR 4350, and Fed.GM210M primer in a Winchester case, no pressure signs ever. But I make sure any shots fired are not during hot weather. That load still gives me a 1" group and great results on over 100 deer. I always do a behind the shoulder-lung shot. The deer sometimes may run 30 or 40 yards before going down, and sometimes they drop like a rock.The bullet always does a through-and-through which gives a good blood-trail since there's two holes in the lung area. I've never-taken shoulder shots which may have different results, but I'm always going for the lung shot. That #1213 , 85gr bullet has been for 60 years, a fast flat-shooting missile feared by all deer, and loved by me."