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Thread: 25-06 why hasn't it achieved fame and success in New Zealand?

  1. #76
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    It's been proven by a colmar brunton poll on one news that 25-06 owners have more doubts about their sexuality than owners of any other calibre

  2. #77
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bill f View Post
    The short of it is that the 270win 130 gr. Is far superior and commonly available. Thats it. The end,
    I swear you Plagiarised that from @Toby !!
    Pointer, Toby and Gibo like this.

  3. #78
    sneakywaza I got
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    It's been proven by a colmar brunton poll on one news that 25-06 owners have more doubts about their sexuality than owners of any other calibre
    It's contagious, you catch it from .270 owners..........

  4. #79
    308 is offline
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    I may be drunk and stuck in Palmerston North (enough to make anyone grumpy) but wtf is up with fucking americans thinking they know what happens here?

    From a country that had it's own version of apartheid up until the 60's I don't need advice on farking anything. Ever. Again

  5. #80
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    DING DING DING!!! Next round 25-06 vs 270 owners!

  6. #81
    Member Kudu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 300CALMAN View Post
    DING DING DING!!! Next round 25-06 vs 270 owners!
    No contest! 25-06 wins as the .270 isn't a proper calibre...........
    257weatherby likes this.

  7. #82
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    2506 just was never really advertised or pushed here.
    270was a culler caliber so stands to reason stronger following even if it is no better or worse.

    Sent from my SM-G800Y using Tapatalk
    shooternz likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  8. #83
    Applies Lead Liberally rogers.270's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 300CALMAN View Post
    DING DING DING!!! Next round 25-06 vs 270 owners!
    that's not a fair fight........... I cant believe I read the entire thread........... my head hurts
    Addicted to gun powder

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    If I recall correctly Graeme Sinclair of fishing fame used one in his early hunting years. A bloke I know has a wooden Sako 25/06 and shot 13 deer all recovered last week. All shot in the rain which in southern HB was miserable.He swears by it although he also has a super expensive 7wsm.

  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlsen Highway View Post
    You guys do make hunting a technical experience. A .25/06 is an excellent hunting cartridge for deer. I have more drop in the tracks kills with a .25/06 (and the .243) than any other. A .25/06 with 115 or 117grains bullets, either interlocks or SST's is a stone cold killer on deer, and coupled with light recoil, about the same as a 6.5x55, is a very friendly rifle to shoot.
    The .25/06 Remington is one of the perfect deer rifles for New Zealand.
    AS for velocity in a short 20 inch barrel; who is a Girl Guide here and cant carry a 24 inch barrelled rifle? I never did understand what the loss two or four inches of barrel was suppossed to achieve in the short rifle fad nowadays. I have had 20 inch barreled rifles and even an 18 and a 17 inch and it never made that much difference to me to be perfectly honest.
    (None of this need concern a Long Range Shooter, who I sort of equate with artillerymen rather than hunters. I also imagine them wearing berets, I am not sure why. So they can recognise each other I suppose.)

    As for why is hasn't caught on so much, I can only hazard a guess that it has not simply because its reletively new, only a factory round since 1969, and as such doesnt have much of a track record, plus, compared to new rounds like the 7mm08 and so forth, I just dont think they pushed the round hard marketing wise in NZ. I'm just guessing but I bet they didn't really offer it much to NZ shooters through the seventies, although I would have to go back through the old catalogues to check that out. I mean it took us long enough to get push button telephones forget about a new cartridge.
    Steve123 and ando2506 like this.

  11. #86
    Member nightowl52's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    It's been proven by a colmar brunton poll on one news that 25-06 owners have more doubts about their sexuality than owners of any other calibre
    Haha! Excellent! Oh wait.....I've got one!
    Max Headroom likes this.

  12. #87
    Member nightowl52's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trooper90 View Post
    Mine....Remington SS 700 24" barrell, love it, although I haven't been hunting (deer) nearly as much as I should have. Use reloaded117gr BTSPs. Hope I'm fit enuf when I retire to get out there.
    Boaraxa likes this.

  13. #88
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    How come I cant access any posts beyond post number #87 on this thread?
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  14. #89
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightowl52 View Post
    Mine....Remington SS 700 24" barrell, love it, although I haven't been hunting (deer) nearly as much as I should have. Use reloaded117gr BTSPs. Hope I'm fit enuf when I retire to get out there.
    That's what I use to , or for a bit more thump the 120 corelokt work wonders on Tahr , iv never played around with mine much I got an accurate load using the 117 & 120 so just stuck with it zeroed 3inches high at 100 , always toyed with the idea of trying the 70gn just for kicks maybe on some pesky goats or something but then that would be like starting from scratch figuring out a load & rezeroing so maybe not , anyway its a good cal & used to stand out a bit from the likes of a 308 with less recoil ,but you don't notice it much these days with suppressors .
    nightowl52 likes this.
    The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Had a Ruger Hawkeye in 25 06 for a while, it worked well shot a few deer with it out past 300 yards using the 110 gr Accubond at about 3100 fps. Nothing argued with it. Sold it as the rifle was a bit heavy for bush hunting I thought.



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