@Marty Henry yup looking at the next packet being flat based, preferably the 312 diameter as well and maybe even the heavier ones above 174 grains.
Not much of the old military stuff around so factory stuff it will probably be. I do have a lee load all wack a mole loader that I can have a little play with to get it better. I have been putting that off as I struggle with the patience for full on testing but it may come to that. Front aint bedded-only done the pillars.
@shooternz yup know that. Remember the horror stories back when I was a lad in the 80's and there were still a fair few 303s around. I doubt very much I'll be playing with old war stuff unless I jag a big batch. With my luck that aint happening.
Barrel already been shortened previously and did it again myself and recrowned it on the recommendations of my gunsmith from the gun club who reblued it and did the bases for me.