Woooo .308 argument!! Haven't seen one in ages.
Apparently not going buy the ones iv finished off with the 308
A 22lr has enough "oomph" to kill things with a lung shot at 120-150y but i still dont recommend it,As i saw a 223 has enough oomph at 525y but that was just silly.
I still cant tell the difference between my suppressed 243 and my 308 the old mans 30/06 recoil wise they all go bang and give a bit of a push.
No Im not a big guy by any means. I had free rein with a sporterised brass butt plate 303 from around 13y old, got a very light but fucked majestic at 15y in 308.
Talking standard cals recoil is in your head literally.Its the noise you react to.
My 308 un braked un suppressed with correct body position and hold i can spot my shots.
My suppressed 243 leaps off the bi pod like a 18 year old boy leaps on a willing participant.
Admittedly this is due to a shitty plastic stock but actual rearward thrust into my shoulder? all the same I reckon.
Recoil- ask Greg if you can shoot one of his new 375s without a brake![]()
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Figures plugged, using 10mph wind for arguments sake (yes, I realise neither of those will be the best possible round for each, just wanted to use the equivalent common hunting rounds).
At 400yds that 7-08 has 0.3" less drop and 1.8" less drift (and slightly less energy)
At 600yds that 7-08 has 2.5" less drop and 4.8" less drift (and slightly more energy)
So the 7-08 is ballistically better as you said, but I can't see the night and day difference people seem to suggest. Or is this like a Ford/Holden thing around here? (yeah I'm kinda new here)
And then we move to the 260 - king of the -08s![]()
This is pretty much a long range siteNow why on earth would you want to poke a big hole in something up close lol
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
It depends on the bullet you use, you have the choice to use better bullets in the 7-08 at faster speeds than the .308 can manage for the same BC, ie, 162gr amax at ~2750fps
.30 cal 208gr amax is about the same BC but can't get it much more than 2500fps and it kicks much more than the 7mm. No not compared to a .375 but that's a kinda misleading comparison, the .375 kicks less than a .50BMG and then where do you go from there, it's not an apples to apples comparison is it
Is it waaaay better no, but it is better on the same case for less recoil and the same cost to shoot, there's no real reason to go with the .308 if you reload/shoot more than 200-300 meters, factory 7mm08 rifles will stabilise the good bullets, rah ran rah
I can't believe I'm so bored I'm posting on this thread. I should've known this would happen
If you're poking a hole in something up close, it doesn't seem to matter much what you use, I never had anything walk away from my .243, use the right bullet and hit it in the right place and it'll die with any reasonable calibre, therefore the only difference worth talking about is longer range difference
Blah blah blah I'm going to go find something productive to do, like poking a taipan with a short stick
Oh just to add if your a "recoil sensitive" person the best thing you could do is go bunny shooting with your hunting rifle. and i dont mean lying prone trying to shoot them from as far as possible I mean walking around shooting them at 25 75 y, you will be having to much fun to notice the noise or recoilshot heaps of bunnys with that 303
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
The ORIGINAL post said about the invisible line at 800y
Once wind was sorted I have had consistent hits at 1140y EVERYONE needed sighters for wind that day.
Is it a long range cal. of course it bloody isnt. and as i said realistically 600 is it on animals.
708 is so small a gain its not worth considering.
Short range there is a definite cal advantage on game. If you dont believe this you need to shoot more game and watch more game be shot with differing cals.![]()
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
It must make things deader than dead.
I actually own a .308 (it's my secret shame).