Hi Guys,
Are you allowed to shoot 338 lapua magnum at any ranges in the north island. I am keen on buying one but get the feeling I wont be able to shoot it often if i do. Most ranges say 8mm max and I assume that puts it over that??
Hi Guys,
Are you allowed to shoot 338 lapua magnum at any ranges in the north island. I am keen on buying one but get the feeling I wont be able to shoot it often if i do. Most ranges say 8mm max and I assume that puts it over that??
Not sure of any ranges, but when your looking, also look for the joule limit. So ranges may say 8me, or 308 etc.... But the real limit is the joules. So for example, if they say 8mm but have a 7500 joule limit, you could ask why not a 338. Nicely of course.
(Also the 7500 may limit you in 338 loadings as well)
Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....
The ranges with the 8mm maximum calibre and also now a maximum energy limit are NRA ranges. What applies to other ranges eg Deerstalkers, Pistol Clubs with Rifle sections I cannot tell you. They will be governed by their own templates and resource consents.
Yes, most ranges have said that you can shoot no firearm that is greater than 8mm in size.
Which took out pretty much all the pistol rounds, the way it was written
You cant fire 338 lapua at the Upper Hutt Deer Stalkers range.
Range time is great fun but don't forget to hunt with your 338 once it and your capabilities are all dialled in, Today im shooting out to a range of 1500yrds total, have run out of elevation in the scope, could mill the front base or shim the rear but I'm not worried at this stage, alpine breezes restrict me far more than the dialling limit at this stage.
Waiting on Sika this morning before the rain set in at 11am
Here comes the rain.....
Then it clagged in and visibility drops to a hundred yards, still ok for a 338
Im off home, i can just picture the bloody dog sitting on my couch bone dry, smiling
Last edited by 7mmsaum; 17-12-2015 at 11:45 PM.
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
I have plenty of hives up here
And thanks for not saying " money honey"
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
Cheers guys. So a few ranges still allow that is great to know! That looks amazing where you are @7mmsaum. Great shots.I just hope I don't buy and end up never using it because everywhere is a no go. I have always wanted a high powered rifle. That was the reason I got into shooting because I had a real appreciation for long range shooting and the skills that surround it.
I Think the BOP NZDA Range atTECT Park is certified for-338 LM. Google and ask. It's only 300 m. Also enquire at otorohanga Rifle club which has longer range but is NRA based . Try googling for forum member 338 MAD who will know. Andy animal shoots a 338. So They may be ok at taihape NZDA range.
To quote myself from a thread in the Club section, this applies to -NRA- ranges:
"Besides there being an 8mm calibre limit for F-Class, there is also a 5000 Joule muzzle energy limit on NRA ranges. This converts to 3805 ft-lbs. This of course rules out anything .338 or bigger, as well as the bigger 7s like the RUM ."
What NZDA or other range owners apply is another matter
From HVDA website here
NZDA Hutt Valley Branch Inc. - Club Range
The range certification restricts smokeless centre-fire rifles to a maximum of .45 calibre and black-powder to .75 calibre. Tracer and similar types of ammunition are not permitted at any time due to the fire and richochete danger.
Thanks @308
Happy to read that, at least I will be able to shoot the 375 when I get it.