Whats factory round capable of shooting out to around the 600m mark using factory rounds of the shelf for a hunting rifle.
Whats factory round capable of shooting out to around the 600m mark using factory rounds of the shelf for a hunting rifle.
work it backwards
how much energy do you require at that distance????
so you now know what weight projectile you will need if say starting out at 3000fps or 2700fps
that will narrow it down somewhat...
then what calibre and cartridge will deliver that
then what factory load can YOU ACTUALLY PURCHASE that meets that criteria
or just say.270 or .30/06 or 7mm mag or .308 or .280rem or just start a shite slinging match cause I can piss further than he can LOL
A mate has asked me but i have never needed to shoot that far myself.
Couple of people have told him to go to a 7mm rem mag set up for a all round hunting gun
UNLESS he is going to carry a rangefinder and drop chart.....really shouldnt be pushing it past say 350 any way....
He will be using a range finder, drop chart and is cable of long range shooting (wants to get a new set up with factory loads)
Id throw 300 win mag into that list but at that type of distance even with the aid of drop charts and a rangefinder you better be bloody good at reading wind and have a truck load of practice behind you.
I believe shooting well with a 22 rf to 200 meters would be good practice.
hearing good things about the hornady factory .270 loadings...think its a 145grn eldx type of thing...or maybe a SST they are fair honking along whatever they are. and seen to be accurate enough and preform at terminal end of things...but then the poohseventy is old and boring....heck if an old bush hobbit like me can drop deer with single round at 300-350 yards with a boring old hornady cup n core 140grn loaded not too hotly...someone with a good load/scope/drop chart could do it a hell of alot further out with out fuss or bother.
Bloody heaps, particularly with the new design projectiles even down to the 6mm. For me a 25 calibre and a 120 grain projectiles at 3000 fps starting point.
yeah ...... the fact that hes even asking the question makes you question his ability. 600m on factory ammo is a long way. unless its working with correct b.cs ect.
Shit come on where’s the 270 gang????
finally saw the light and got something decent![]()
I throw the 6.5x55 and creedmore, on that list, as well as both WSM, depending on game size, 280AI if supported my your local store, was pretty common a few years back.
South Island Thar and reds, or North island Sika, fallow, reds, I pick different cal,
Lightweight hunting rifle, I forget the 300 mags, due to slappy, heavy recoil, with the heavy high BC bullets, ie 200 gr. ( I've got a 7.7lb 300 win, and a 8.13 oz, 300 H&H,) the 300 win is much more difficult, to be consistent with. And the 300 Hurt and Holler, gets kinda heavy after a day.
Think I would go, with the 6.5 creedmore or 7-08, 308, if my primary hunting was Sika, fallow, the odd red,
For down south, I like a bit more energy and bullet weight, I would pick the .270 win, .270 WSM or 7 mm mag, 280AI, depending on what my local sports store, supported, with most suitable ammo choices.
Sum good cals, that are not well supported, with ammo in NZ. Ie .264 win, 6.5x284, 7x57,.280, 7X64, 3006,
If you think you might shoot to 600 yards you need something that will kill well at that range (and have the ballistics to reliably arrive where you aim), not something that kills well halfway to 600.
That rules out a lot of calibers already mentioned. I wouldn't even consider anything in the 308 case capacity range. It would simply be cruel.