I would have thought if your talking specifics , a calibre for shooting animals at 600m a 30-06 would really be a starting point , I mean why would you perhaps undergun your self if your specifically wanting to shoot at that range it makes no sense , I have a 308 its my go to , on paper can shoot sub MOA out to 500y but I can tell you if I think there's a reasonable chance of shooting something at that range I grab the 7mm rm , and there lies the answer to the question ,why would I grab my 308 knowing im likely going to shoot animals beyond that 500y mark & its simple the 7mm rm is far superior than a 308 at that range , so any of the lesser calibres mentioned in this thread is pointless , something else to consider is the actual rifle it self they vary greatly some in the same cal kick more than others id go for perhaps a slightly heaver model with a better than average trigger ideally around that 2-3lb pull mark , don't be fooled by the salesman telling you how sweet that trigger is as most factory rifles are not set that low .